A fun weekend!

A site dedicated to sharing the daily adventures
of Thayer, Murdoch, Deucey, Sarah, and Andy.
Posted by Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey at 5:01 AM 1 comments
Posted by Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey at 3:50 AM 1 comments
It is cold out and it is supposed to only get colder - the high on Friday is supposed to be 10! I don't even want to think about the windchill. The commute to work in that isn't pleasant. And getting out of bed in the dark, getting ready in the dark, and getting to work in the dark isn't pleasant either. January and February are definitely my least favorite months of the year. Every year I don't plan a March vacation to a warm destination I kick myself. Two years ago we went to St. Lucia and last year we went to Florida. This year I am just hoping for more sunlight and that these two months fly by. March isn't the best but somehow it seems promising but it is usually a tease.
I need to motivate to get pictures and videos off my camera but right now they are all dead which requires one more step before I can put them on my laptop which just seems like such an obstacle at the end of the day. Maybe it is because I look at a computer most of the day that it makes it hard to do it when I get home.
Thank you for listening to the complaining. I am looking forward to my three-day weekend. Murdoch goes to daycare on Monday and I have the day off which is basically the best day off ever - I know that may seem mean to many of you but I can get some things done and I can pick him up early to see him a little more that day so it is a win-win. Maybe I will actually finish painting one of the bookshelves in his room and we can actually put a few things away - it has only been over a year at this point - we are obviously not behind :) But the office is also screaming to be finished so I will see who screams the loudest over the weekend and on Monday. Maybe the office will get some love this weekend - I don't think I will be traveling outside too much when the windchill has a very good chance of being below 0.
Posted by Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey at 6:26 AM 1 comments
So I haven't posted in about a month. It was a rough month so I am hoping that things settle down and return to 'normal'. Work has been crazy and then we had the holidays - Murdoch got the stomach flu and gave it to everyone for Christmas. So that really killed us - Murdoch wasn't in bed all day but I sure was. So we got through the holidays and then Ellen was just here for a visit which was great. So hopefully as we get back to our routine there will be more posts. Pictures are coming - again I just need to get organized! I hope you all had a wonder Christmas and Happy New Year! We are looking forward to a great 2009.
Posted by Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey at 3:57 AM 1 comments
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