I'm working on it....
Picking them up from daycare.....
M: I'm tired.
Me: Me too.
M: I cried when Daddy dropped me off.
Me: M I thought we were working on no crying and whining during drop off.
M: I'm working on it Mom, I'm working on it....
A site dedicated to sharing the daily adventures
of Thayer, Murdoch, Deucey, Sarah, and Andy.
Picking them up from daycare.....
M: I'm tired.
Me: Me too.
M: I cried when Daddy dropped me off.
Me: M I thought we were working on no crying and whining during drop off.
M: I'm working on it Mom, I'm working on it....
Posted by Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey at 5:32 PM 0 comments
We have seen Santa about three times, kids have cried within 3 feet of Santa, other have sat on his lap but didn't talk and finally we got a smile as long as Mom was there with them. We have decorated cookies, made gingerbread houses, and wrapped presents. This is the first year we have really introduced Santa and they know who he is but I don't think they totally get the presents at this point. M has asked for a scooter and two fire tools. I wasn't sure exactly what fire tools meant so I went online and he pointed to what he wanted on Amazon. The rest of the gifts are coming from Craigslist - I have been searching for things for months! I got pretty much everything I wanted and saved a ton of cash. These aren't all of the pictures but I am posting some. I think tomorrow may be the last one where I am asleep past dawn. I can't wait to see their faces when they come downstairs and see all of those presents! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and that you are all safe and heathy.
A trip to Santa and then a party, the kids were exhausted at the end of the night:
Posted by Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Here is what you have when you eat a marker and then eat your dinner (BTW this is T's favorite new face):Here are the rest of the photos:
Posted by Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey at 4:50 PM 2 comments
M made pumpkin waffles at school last week. They sent the recipe home with a picture of him helping out. We made them for Thanksgiving breakfast and we have had them about 4 times since. They are awesome and a little better than normal waffles. And if you add some banana slices to the top it really makes it better. Here is the recipe - enjoy!
Posted by Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey at 6:50 AM 1 comments
We got a new dog walker for Deucey - I won't bore you with the details and drama of why. She has been with the new guy for a few weeks. I was texting him the other day and I got this back from him:
'Deucey has been great. She sure hates getting humped though- she tells them where to go!'
That provided us with a good laugh.
Posted by Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey at 12:21 PM 2 comments
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