Penis Talk
Wednesday Night:
M: Where is T's penis? (while bent over in the bath looking between her legs)
Me: She doesn't have a penis sweetie.
M: Why not?
Me: Because boys have a penis and girls don't.
M: So Daddy has a penis and T doesn't and you don't?
Me: Yes that is correct. (And grateful that I didn't have to get into vaginas right then)
M: T touch my penis. Come on touch it! (While smiling and laughing)
Me: M please don't make her do that she doesn't want to.
Thursday night, A arrives home from travel:
M: Dad I have a penis.
A: Yes you do. (Clearly wondering where this has come from).
M: And so do you.
A: Yes I do.
About 30 minutes later while A is going to the bathroom.
M: Your penis is really big!
You can't buy publicity like that! :)