Saturday, February 12, 2011

Penis Talk

Wednesday Night:

M: Where is T's penis? (while bent over in the bath looking between her legs)

Me: She doesn't have a penis sweetie.

M: Why not?

Me: Because boys have a penis and girls don't.

M: So Daddy has a penis and T doesn't and you don't?

Me: Yes that is correct. (And grateful that I didn't have to get into vaginas right then)

M: T touch my penis. Come on touch it! (While smiling and laughing)

Me: M please don't make her do that she doesn't want to.

Thursday night, A arrives home from travel:

M: Dad I have a penis.

A: Yes you do. (Clearly wondering where this has come from).

M: And so do you.

A: Yes I do.

About 30 minutes later while A is going to the bathroom.

M: Your penis is really big!

You can't buy publicity like that! :)

Saturday, February 05, 2011

A Black One and a White One

If you have kids and they can talk I am sure you have been out in public when they say something that makes you grimace and you hope that no one else heard that. There are times when the lack of a filter can be very cute and funny and other times when it isn't.

I went to look at a preschool for M this week and when the open house was finished M saw some kids playing basketball in the gym on the way out and wanted to watch. Exhausted and thinking this will take up some time that could otherwise be spent at home with two kids running around wild before bed. So we stayed and watched for awhile. There were two groups of girls each with a coach. They were probably tweens or maybe early teenagers so they knew what they were doing but they still needed some coaching. The coaches both invited us in to play but M in his normal fashion turned his head slightly so he didn't have to look at them but he wouldn't leave at the same time. So we talked about the coach and how you have to listen to the coach otherwise you will end up on the bench.

As we were talking M said 'Hey there is one white one and one black one'. There were two coaches both of them were black but one had on a white shirt and one had on a black shirt. This struck me as so nice - M didn't notice that they were black he was just identifying them by their shirts. When your kid starts to say 'Hey Mom there's a black person' you want to shrink and die sometimes. But this time it was nice to see the world through his eyes.

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