We tried soccer.
M: Yes I want to do Soccer!
Reality - We get to the soccer field, he spends his time on the team blanket distracting other kids. Kids leave the soccer field, he is out there on the field playing. At the end of the season he actually played a little but with one kid. I guess I should call that a success.
Me: Don't you like soccer?
M: Yes.
Me: So why don't you go out on the soccer field to play.
M: I want to play soccer but not with other kids.
Well that is going to work well!
He likes basketball but again - doesn't want to play with other kids.
I am thinking what can you do that involved other kids directly but isn't quite a team sport at the age of 4? Golf - I would love to have the next Tiger Woods (golf-wise that is) but I think golf might be a bit much. Swimming - we do that but he often throws up in the pool because he drank too much water. Tennis - maybe a little later. So the kid is low on confidence, doesn't socialize well, and needs an activity because the little people are getting crazy in the house all weekend with this weather.
Someone suggests karate. I email his best friend's mom asking what they think about it because I know M is more likely to participate with M there (I will call him M2 because they have the same initials) and they kind of have the same personality and they have had the same luck with M2 and activities. They are in. Now where to go. My girlfriend lives by them, her son goes to karate, they love the place, it is a 25 minute drive or so for me but we do it.
First day or karate:
We have a tour of the place and they get an individual evaluation to make sure they are placed in the right class. It goes well. They the sensei asks them some questions and lays out some rules. When to use karate, when not to use karate, how you should be a good listener her, you should look people in the eyes when they are talking to you, etc., etc. This is great! The boys where really good and they 'earned' their first belt. Now if only I could actually follow some of these rules.
Sensei: You don't just hit people at home and use karate on them. What would happen if you hit your Mom?
M: You get a timeout.
Me: In the background, I start to giggle a little and turn red. Not bad though I don't think they encourage giggling at the dojo.
Sensei: One time that you want to use karate is if a stranger comes up to and trying to get you into a car. (My mind is thinking this is great! Good life lesson!) Do you know what a stranger is?
M: Pause.....A Witch!
M2: Someone you don't know.
Me: In the background. I still haven't recovered from giggling from the other questions and now I lose it! I start laughing. Start to control things and then M2's Dad starts laughing. Well I am now crying!
M2's Dad and I decided to sign up for it because they kids did a great job in the individual evaluation. There was some crying when they went to the first class but I think they will get over it. M is showing me his straddle stance and we have to work on another one this week. I am hoping to have a stronger and more confident 4 year old after this experience. Now there is also an adult class at 9 AM on Saturday that I could take. Though I don't think they would appreciate the giggling. :)
Here is a little karate meets Star Wars at the play date after karate!