Thursday, February 18, 2010

Things that made me smile this week

Murdoch got out of the bath last night and told me that his nipples were tired. I guess that means that it is time to go to bed!

Thayer kicks her left foot/leg over and over again when you change her diaper.

Thayer was face/belly down in her crib with both legs sticking out of the crib at a 90 degree angle when I went in to get her. You would think that she was either very uncomfortable or dead. When I turned the lights on low she just turned/lifted her head and smiled.

We got snow this week - I love that Murdoch calls it 'BIG SNOW!' with such enthusiam.

Murdoch is slowly potty training and he says bye-bye to his poo when we flush it down the toilet.

Murdoch was almost gabbing his toy dust buster on Thayer's leg and she was just laughing the whole time.

Murdoch and I were shoveling together. He enjoys shoveling with a golf club - I am sure you can imagine how effective that is.

Murdoch calls dog poop, poop dog. It always takes me a second to figure that out.


Ellen 1:57 PM  

Murdoch, Murdoch, Murdoch, you gotta make sure those nipples get adequate rest. It just throws off your whole day to have tired nipples.

Unknown 5:11 PM  

Oh my - his tales are getting better and better!
We're still chuckling. Is it time to come north yet?!!

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