Friday, December 19, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

I started this post on Wednesday morning because we got about an inch of snow. Now it is Friday and we are all at home watching about a foot of snow fall! So I think this is much more appropriate now. I love the snow - of course in about a month or so I will hate it. As the song says - 'let it snow, we've got no place to go'. That is when snow is awesome! But when you have somewhere to go like work so you are walking to the train, and daycare so you have a little person that doesn't want to put on all of that extra clothes and hates the snow in his face I think to myself - it was much easier to just slip on some flip-flops. The snow is still a novelty so I will enjoy it - maybe even with some fresh baked cookies - but I am sure I will be complaining in about a month about it. Or I could be complaining tomorrow when I need to shovel but I don't know what to do with a toddler and a dog because the other adult is in Denver which makes things a little harder. Oh well - tonight we shall dine on cookies and milk - now I just need that fireplace! Enjoy the holidays!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Getting ready for Christmas

We got our tree on Sunday and we actually got some lights on it. Andy worked on getting the lights up outside - a cold front moved through so it was freezing. Murdoch and I brought hot cocoa out to him while he was working. Deucey kept him company on the front stairs even though she was shivering the whole, she wouldn't leave his side. I don't think we are going to put too many ornaments on this year - maybe a few at the top - I think there will probably be some little hands with a lot of interest in the ornaments not to mention a furry mouth that would like to eat some of them. Here are the other pictures.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Gettin' Messy

Murdoch had some fun last weekend playing in goop - cornstarch and water. It was a fun little afternoon activity and then it was off to the bath! Bob, aka Boppa, thought he just had a really good time eating his lunch :) The guy is messy but it isn't that bad. Hopefully we can catch up on some photos and updates this month!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

15 Month Stats

Murdoch had his 15-month check-up yesterday and he is doing just fine. I decided to spread out some of the vaccinations because it would have been something like 5 in one day which means extra trips to the doctor's office but I feel like that should be a big deal. Here are his latest stats:

Height -32.5 Inches - 88%
Weight - 26 lbs. 12 ounces - 80%
Head - 48.5 cm - 85%

The doctor called him very symmetrical - I couldn't agree more!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Sorry that we don't get to see everyone on Thanksgiving. I will try to post some updated pictures over the weekend. Life has been very busy, as usual, so I just haven't had the time to post the picture/video updates - I have chosen sleep this past week.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Therapy via Dogs and Kids

My company had layoffs yesterday. I was not laid off but one of the guys on my team was and that caused an emotional day for me. I didn't know about it in advance, I only knew about it once it was done. I feel horrible for that person and I feel horrible for the rest of my team - this is going to put a burden on everyone now that we are down one more person. By the end of the day I couldn't focus, I needed to eat, and I needed a drink. I got home and there was this gorgeous bulldog waiting for me in her crate tail wagging and ran all over the house and almost knocked me over when she got out. Then about 10 minutes later a little guy arrived at the house and when he saw me he broke out the big grin and walked right over to me to give me his version of a hug. It was a rough day at work and often times the two of them make a day very long and tiring but I have to say the tension that melted away when I saw the two of them was more than worth all of the lack of sleep, extra vet bills, etc. that they cause. They are a form of therapy, sanity, and love that I can't get anywhere else.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Mom's Visit

My Dad upload the pictures from my Mom's visit a few weeks ago. She doesn't like to have her pictures taken but going forward we are going to have to get some of my Mom and Murdoch - even if she hasn't showered! Enjoy the pictures and enjoy hump day!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

For my funeral

No I am not dying, at least any more so than the average person on the street, and I am not trying to be morbid. I found this in the back of my date book that will expire at the end of the year and I wanted to make sure I didn't forget about it. I went to the Body Works exhibit two years ago and wrote this down as something I would like to have at my funeral:

Seneca's (4 B.C.-65 A.D.) quote: "Death is the release from all pain and complete cessation, beyond which our suffering will not extend. It will return us to that condition of tranquility, which we had enjoyed before we were born. Should anyone mourn the deceased, then he must also mourn the unborn. Death is neither good nor evil, for good or evil can only be something that actually exists. However, whatever is of itself nothing and which transforms everything else into nothing will not all be able to put us at the mercy of Fate."

I have no idea why I like that quote but for some reason it is comforting to me.

Friday, November 07, 2008

A Murdoch Memory

So this memory is a little gross but it made me laugh when my sister wrote me the following email yesterday:

I have been meaning to tell you.
Remember how when I came to visit last christmas murdoch's poop smelled like buttered pop corn. Well, my feet and the stink in them and in my shoes has changed from the normal foot funk to the smell of buttered pop corn.
I think of murdoch's pop everytime i take my shoes off.

Before solid foods Murdoch's poop did indeed smell like buttered popcorn. I had totally forgotten about that until that email.

She then followed up that email with the following:

and you should put in the blog that when i was there, before you told me from where the smell was coming, i kept wondering why the people down stairs were eating so much buttered popcorn.

Aunt Emily is coming for a visit a little before Christmas and we can't wait to see her! She is taking one of her two vacations - she only gets two breaks while going to school - to come and spend it with her nephew and she takes care of him all day. It is so nice for everyone! Though I am sure a little exhausting for someone who has just finished a set of finals. I am really looking forward to that visit!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Some of my favorite websites

I like to surf the web - I just don't have enough time to do it! I thought I would share a few of my favorite sites and if you have a favorite site please share it! - Diapers are expensive and bulky. The last thing I want to do is try to bring up those huge packages while carrying an infant/toddler on my hip. So thank god for! It is a great website. If you spend over $49 the shipping is free and it arrives on your doorstep two days later! I compared some of the prices and the Huggies diapers are the same price at CostCo as they are at They carry a lot more than diapers - formula, bottles, clothing, toys, etc. I basically do all of my shopping on there for Murdoch. You can get $10 off your first order if you use code SAPA5662. - This is an online book swap site. You list your books by ISBN and then other people make a request for those books. A label is automatically produced - you can just print it out, tape it to the envelope, and drop it in the mailbox - you don't even have to go to the post office! The other person pays the postage which is around $4 for all books and you get points for sending your books. You can then use your points to get books from other people and you just pay for the postage. I think the fact that you can just print out the label makes this so convenient so I love it! - Same concept as but you don't have the pre-paid envelopes. So you have to go to the post office which is another step but if you send it media mail it is usually about 2-2.50 per book so it is cheaper to send the book. - For wine! Do I need to say anymore?! - Helps you stop junk mail - including catalogues which is very important this time of year, and they plants tree when you join. I can't tell you how much less junk mail I get since I joined - especially all of those catalogues! It is overwhelming. You can pick and choose which ones you want so if you still want your PotteryBarn catalogue you can keep it!

I am sure there are others but those are some of my favorites. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Mr. Giggles at 14 Months!


Election Day!

So I have voted and I feel good about it! No politics talk for me though. I got to the polling place a little after 7 in the AM and there were about 50 people ahead of me - I thought that it was going to be bad! But it wasn't - only about a 20 minute wait and then off to the races. I am also going to post a Murdoch video shortly! Go out and vote!

Monday, November 03, 2008

It is never too early for Christmas

A solar powered helicopter! I saw this in Cookie magazine and I thought it was a great gift - Murdoch is getting one for Christmas. You can a 25% off coupon and it is environmentally friendly - made from wood and it is solar-powered! I thought I would pass it along.

Website for toy -

For the coupon -

It is so hard to find Christmas gifts - at least I think it is - so hopefully this helps someone else out. Please let me know if you have any great gift ideas.

The Weekend

So obviously I have no new pictures or videos to post - I have them but I need them to magically appear on my laptop - without wires! Maybe the technology is already out there but I don't have it yet - I need these things to go right onto my laptop after I take them and then the blog would be much more up to date. Maybe before bed tonight I will try to get a little more organized in the blog area.

The weekend was good but busy. We had our Halloween party on Saturday - we moved the start time up in order to incorporate children this year which was good though at 8 I felt like it should have been midnight. So between getting ready for the party, the party, clean up after the party, daylight savings (who decide that this was a good idea - it is depressing that it is so late and the extra hour of sleep is a joke - Murdoch has no idea that the time has changed so we were just up earlier, or the same time depending on how you look at it)

I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween! We did thought we celebrated a day late. Videos and pictures soon!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Murdoch had a little Halloween parade at daycare this morning so I went for a little while and got a couple of pictures - I will try to download those tonight. Last night he was 'coloring' and started to eat the green marker so that was everywhere - again - more pictures I need to download. So maybe tonight I will post those plus we have a giggles video from his 14 month birthday that is cute. So lots to post!

We are having a little Halloween party tomorrow so it will be busy until then cleaning, shopping, cooking etc. The weather looks sunny but chilly but way better than rain and raw!

Happy Halloween to everyone! I can't wait to see pictures of all of the cute costumes in the next week or so!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Random Thoughts and Updates

I tend to have random thoughts when I have had too much caffeine or if I am by myself too long - Andy is away and Murdoch and Deucey are not exactly the best chatters so I am not technically alone but if I don't have someone to talk to my mind tends to race in odd directions making weird associations. Andy usually feels overwhelmed by talking when he gets home, oh well.

Last night - I am watching the Biggest Loser. These people are working out, dieting, how much weight they have lost is flashing up on the screen. What am I doing - eating apple crisp. Okay I made it so on level it is better - no preservatives, natural ingredients - but I also tend to like the crisp part of apple crisp so I made a little extra topping. :) So I am sitting there eating sugar and butter and these people are crying on the treadmill - that doesn't seem quite right.

The other day I noticed that I lost one on the diamonds in my engagement ring - it was a very small one so I wasn't that concerned. Then I find out later, because I remarked on Andy's ring being so shiny, that he had lost his wedding band on the golf course! Both of us now have shiny rings - his because it is new, mine because it is nicely polished. It kind of makes me feel like a newlywed - I keep looking down at my ring and remembering when it looked like this when I first got it. Getting your rings shined seems like a cheap way to feel like a newlywed - I should try that more often!

Deucey got her stitches out today and the cone has been retired! I am so excited though not as much as her - she is pancing around. I think we will hit the dog park this weekend and see if the eye holds up under heavy dog wrestling conditions.

My Mom is coming on Friday to visit Murdoch - it looks like we might hit 60 again and it is supposed to be sunny - much better than the 45 and rainy so it feels like 35 with the wind! More swimming lessons and we are heading over to see Hugh & Karen - they got married last week - just the legal part - the big party is next year!

And on a final note Murdoch's daycare teacher's husband died last week. He fought a long battle with cancer. Please keep her in your thoughts - it is a very hard time for her - not one that I can even imagine. She is returning to work next week so I will have to tell Murdoch to go easy on her and give out lots of hugs and kisses.

Off to get the buddy ready for bed - though right now he is in a very good mood so maybe we will hang out for a little while. I hope you are enjoying your week!

Friday, October 17, 2008

So sad

I think the fact that I just added the last post and realized now that I had already told that story makes me realize how tired I am - sorry for the repeat. Obviously my mind is just going in circles right now! Heading home soon - here I come bed!

The first chore

Murdoch has learned his first chore! Before Andy leaves for work Deucey has to go in her crate - she tends to destroy things if she is not confirmed while we are gone - I don't know why - I guess she just likes having us around. So every morning Andy gets a treat, Deucey runs and gets in the crate waiting for the treat, the door is closed and Andy and Murdoch are off to school/work. Murdoch has mastered this chore so he is helping Andy become more efficient in the mornings. It took about three days for him to get it - the first two mornings he would show Deucey the treat but he wouldn't let go of it - as you can imagine this didn't go over very well with Deucey. But now he does it all except get the treat - he is too short - and lock the door of the crate - the coordination is not quite there but I am sure it will be soon. I think the next thing on Andy's list is figuring out how he can apply this to getting a beer out of the fridge...


So my exhaustion is partially self-induced so I really shouldn't be complaining but I feel like whining. It has been a long weekend. After traveling and getting no sleep in London I was already behind before the week even started and then I scheduled something pretty much every night this week - including our date night last night which consisted of going to the Madonna concert, which was great BTW. So now I feel like pulling a Costanza and sleeping under my desk. So I am hoping for a quick day and some rest this weekend. It should be a busy one - I need to re-dedicate myself to painting trim, which is hard with Murdoch around, clean, get rid of some things from the basement, and Murdoch's swimming lessons start up on Sunday. So it will be a fun but busy weekend. I have a full DVR so I am thinking that I will try to catch up on favs like Grey's and Project Runway - I am avoiding all entertainment media so I don't know who won PR. Enjoy the weekend! I hope you all get some rest and have a glass of wine and a few moments to yourself.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Andy taught Murdoch 'Ole' over the weekend in Maine and was showing it off the other night. It is so funny that Murdoch gets so excited - almost to the point of falling down - actually he did fall down once in this video. It is funny the little things that you can now teach Murdoch. Andy has also taught him to put Deucey in her crate in the mornings. Andy gives Murdoch a treat, he takes it, walks to Deucey's crate, she goes in, he gives her the treat, and then he closes the door. I think there will be a beer involved in these stories pretty soon. Enjoy the day!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Back from London! Chill-lax

I got back from London Sunday night after a nice flight - I got to sleep almost the whole time which was luxury because sleeping and flying with a child just doesn't go together.

I arrived Thursday night and hung out with Scott & Gary until about 3 AM drinking wine and talking. I woke at 6 AM with a horrible headache and couldn't fall back asleep. Friday we took a long walk to Canary Pier and had some great sushi and enjoyed the sunny and warm weather - it was in the mid-60s. Friday night we went to Popstar - a club in downtown London. And again I went to bed around 4 AM and woke up at 8 AM. Saturday we visited Gary's Dad out in 'the country' as Scott says and then Scott and I took a walk down to the Tower Bridge, had a Bloody Mary, and a few pints at his local bars as we walked back to the apartment. Saturday night we went to a birthday party for one of their friends. I thought I was going to die of exhaustion around midnight but I rallied and made it until 2. Sunday we all went to the airport - they had an earlier flight back to the States to visit Scott's parents so I went to the airport early with them. I arrived home to an empty house - Andy and the troops were still in Maine. I basically just got home, brushed my teeth and went to bed. And now I am back to work.

It was an awesome weekend - it was so great to see them, the weather was awesome, I was proud of myself that I was able to still go out to clubs even if I was about 10 years older than most of the people there, Gary would like me to promote the work Chill-lax here in the States, and I attempted the game 'Would you?' with them though I suck! Now it is back to the daily grind but it was nice to have a little break and go back to the days when I could do that every weekend. I am looking forward to seeing Murdoch for the first time since Thursday - hopefully he isn't harboring any bad feelings.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Going across the pond

I am heading to London tomorrow to visit Scott and Gary. Andy got me the plane ticket for my birthday! I think I have only seen them twice since they moved back to London so I am pretty psyched! Plus I get to go out and sleep in multiple days in a row and read and relax on the flight! Andy is heading up to Maine with the troops to get a little assistance from his parents so hopefully it all goes well. Apparently Murdoch bumped his head really hard this morning and it was purple right away - hopefully it isn't too bad. The weather looks nice this weekend so hopefully the whole family gets to spend some time outside. Deucey has been a little stir-crazy since the surgery because she hasn't gotten much exercise. Hopefully she gets worn out this weekend and there are no eye injuries from running into branches. I hope you all have a nice weekend. I will take some pictures and post them next weekend and hopefully I can get all of Murdoch's videos onto my laptop - I think I need to re-install the software.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Happy Birthday Ellen!

I totally forgot to add a Happy Birthday to Ellen to my post last night. Ellen turned 35 yesterday and is out in Indy helping her family out. Ellen - I hope you got at least a few moments to yourself and hopefully at least one glass of wine! Happy Birthday from all of us! We miss you!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

What's been going on...

We have been very busy and the blog has suffered. So here is a quick update of everything that we have been doing over the past couple of months. In September we had two weddings:

Courtney & Wayne:

Matt & Ingrid:

We said goodbye to summer and short sleeve shirts and hello to fall and the colder temps:

The market crashed so work was crazy! Andy and I went out for a date night - we had some apps and wine and then we saw The Dark Knight. Then the following weekend we saw Kooza by Cirque Du Soleil with Karen and Hugh. And then yesterday Deucey had eye surgery. Her eye lids were a little too loose which was causing her a lot of discomfort so she essentially had a lower eye lift - not sure how my dog is having plastic surgery before I do! So she is in the Elizabethian collar for 2.5 weeks. Last night was not fun - the doctor said some dogs have anxiety from anestesia - well we have one of those dogs. The only way she would lay down was if one of us was laying on the floor with her. So Andy and I took turns doing that last night. She is down on her bed right now so I am looking for a complete night of sleep. Having said that I will log-off and try to get that elusive 7-8 hours of sleep. I have already missed the 7 hour window, oh well. Have a great week! We are looking forward to a boring October.

Friday, September 26, 2008

When NO is still cute

Murdoch has learned what 'no' and 'don't' mean but right now he can't say them, at least verbally so it hasn't become an annoying habit, yet, so I thought I would do a little memory post - I haven't done on in forever! Now if you tell him no or don't, he usually shakes his head and smiles back at you. This has caused a lot of smiling and laughter from both Andy and myself. Though this is funny now it is going to be a royal pain pretty soon so we really need to stop it. He also shakes his hand and forearm back and forth when he doesn't want something - I think I need to get a video of that because it is hard to explain and it is something that makes me smile so I want to have it for the future.

We are going out for a date night tonight - we are finally going to see The Dark Knight. This will be my first movie in a theatre since the birth of Murdoch and the movie is supposed to be very good so I am really looking forward to it. Andy and I need to make a point to have time that is just for the two of us - that is often lost when you have a little person in the house. Though he is a great source of joy, laughter, and happiness we need to remember that we also have a world that doesn't include him and what he does every second of the day.

Enjoy the weekend - we are looking to survive the 3-6 inches of rain this weekend!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Catching up

So I have been a bad blogger lately. Things have been really busy lately for the Suthersons. Two weekends ago my best friend Courtney got married. It was a gorgeous wedding and she looked awesome! We had a great time, I only have a few pictures so hopefully I can get some good ones from someone else. Then this past weekend Andy's best friend Matt got married. We stayed two nights, without a kid or a dog, in a hotel, and it was great! We took Monday as a vacation day and now we are back in the groove of work and all of that other stuff. Andy's parents were nice enough to take Deucey and Murdoch up to Maine on Saturday so we have been troop-free for about 5 days! That is crazy. I definitely miss them when I think about it but it has also been nice to have the quiet of the house just to ourselves. Talli is bringing them back today so it will be the crazy house when I get home tonight which is fine because it is a good crazy but it was nice to have a little time for just the two of us. Hopefully I will have some pictures soon. I hope you are all well, I missed you too!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Did she just say C or D?

Courtney is getting married on Saturday and I am in the wedding. I picked up my dress yesterday and I needed a new strapless bra because of the dip in the back. I headed up to Nordstroms because I love the place and all of the articles I read say they do a great job fitting you with a new bra. Now keep in mind for over a year I have been wearing either a nursing tank top or a nursing bra so I haven't worn a 'real bra' in over a year.

I got to the intimates department and explained to the woman that I have a dress where the normal strapless bra just won't work because the back is somewhat open. So we went through the options and then I said I don't know what size I am because I have been nursing but I am thinking B because I was an A before. So those of you that know me know that I was probably barely an A - I probably should have just been shopping in the juniors department for a started bra. Anyway. She goes in the dressing room with me and helps me try on bras - little weird but I have gotten over the whole naked thing for the most part. B doesn't fit, C is a bit tight - so she says you may be a D. I made a weird face at this point. So she explained to me that it isn't the cup size it is where the under wire hits your boob. So this is what they mean in those articles about most women don't know their correct bra size!? I am now officially one of them!

So I walked out of there with a nice new size C bra for the wedding thinking - I guess I will be back here in a couple of months when nursing is over to get all new bras! I feel cheated that I am going to have to throw away hundreds of dollars of my existing bras and buy hundreds of dollars of new bras! Somehow I feel like this is a scam. Oh well. I always wanted to be something other than an A, now that I am there I find myself thinking - why can't I just go back to that!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Welcome Whitney!

We have more baby news! Mike and Laura had a gorgeous baby girl on August 25th! I think she is one of the cutest newborns I have ever seen. And you would never guess from these photos that Laura just had a baby - she looks phenomenal! Congratulations Laura, Mike, Anne, and the rest of the family on a beautiful new baby girl!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

A new buddy for Murdoch!

No I am not pregnant, but Karen is! We just found out on Sunday night that Murdoch is going to have a cousin around the beginning of March 2009. Hugh and Karen are expecting a new baby and we are so excited! We couldn't be happier for them. More info when we have it!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My first haircut!

These pictures are older than the other ones, this is closer to the beginning of August but I wanted to post them because it is a big moment. Murdoch was born with hair, lost a lot of it, grew it back, and how he has developed curls. Today the humidity has been on the rise and he has a ton of little curls. It is so cute! There is the before and after.

Other than that we are just enjoying the long weekend. Lots of house work - we are trying to get our family room back in order - Andy has people coming over on Monday for their fantasy football draft so we need somewhere for people to sit. Tonight he is at a soccer game so I thought I would do a quick post and then go to bed early - a headache that won't go away! But I am laying in bed listening to the dryer - odd I know but I just used the new washer and dryer on the second floor for the first time - what a luxury - I don't have to go into the basement to do laundry anymore! Oh the stupid stuff that makes me happy these days :)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Murdoch!

Okay so this is a day late because going over the whole birthing saga - you will just have to humor me. So it is one year and one day! And I can't believe how much you have grown, changed, and how much you have changed and added to our lives! We got a great video of you yesterday AM - I love how happy you are when you wake up. I love walking into your room with you standing in your crib with the biggest smile so happy to see me - I just know it is going to kill me that as you get older I won't get that huge smile in the mornings. I love the fact that right now we are your whole world - or at least most of it. It is so easy right now - in general we control everything but it is going to get so much harder as you get older when you have all of the outside influences that mold and shape you into the person that you will eventually be. It is hard for me to even think about that piece of your life and it actually makes me sad because my baby will no longer be my baby. One of our major goals for you is to raise you to be an independent person but that is also one of the most painful things that will happen because I know I will want to take care of you and shelter you from things forever when I know I can't. It is going to be a very big struggle between my heart and my head.

I can go on forever like this so I will end it now. I just want to let you know that I love you to the point that I want to squeeze you so hard it would kill you. I will always love you no matter what.

Here is a little message from your grandmother in STL:

Dear Murdoch, Just think, one year ago we all received the most precious gift which was you! To quote Fred Rogers - You don't ever have to do anything sensational to love or be loved. You can never imagine how many people already love you, including me. Happy First Birthday, I am with you in thought. Love - Gram Parsons

All of my love!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

One Year Ago Today...Continued

So where was I....Oh yes 9cm dilated now for about 3+ hours and no baby.

12 - 2 AMish - The doctor's and nurses were doing everything they could to get me through that last cm. They broke my water - or maybe they did that before midnight - not really sure because the actual hours are a blur. Well let me tell you - if I thought the pain was bad before now it was really bad. I remember thinking after one contraction had finished and another one started 'Are you sh**ing me - that was the whole break I got between contractions?!' At this point I was really relying on Ligea and Andy - I was starting to get to that point of I just can't do this anymore. I had been at 9 cm for quite awhile and things did not seem to be moving along. The doctors checked the intensity of my contractions - basically they way they put it was - well you think they are really strong contractions but they may not actually be that strong. So I was thinking oh God! These are probably really weak contractions and here I am screaming in pain - I am going to feel like a total idiot when I am having 3 out of 10 pain contractions! Well it turns out they were really strong contractions. So we continue trying to get the swelling down and get through that last 1 cm. I think somewhere around 2 am there was talk of a c-section because I was simply not moving along. I knew that this was always an option but after all of the work that had already been done I didn't want to go into surgery - not to mention I just didn't want surgery. So after some discussion we decided that I would wait 5-6 more contractions, they would check me, and then I would get an epidural. The doctor said she didn't know if it would work but there was no way I was going to be able to relax to let the swelling go down at this point because of the pain. So around 2 AM a lovely woman came in to administer the epidural. I have had a spinal tap before and it was not painful. I have heard that an epidural can be painful. I think I might remember that there was some pressure but what I do remember was the pain relief! They said it would take 5 or so contractions - well let me tell you that the relief was instantaneous! I keep thinking how am I going to sit still bent over during a contraction for them to put this needle in. Well this woman was a pro because it seemed so fast and let me tell you it was so great! So here I am in the middle of labor sitting on a bed having a normal conversation with the nurses who about 30 minutes ago I was probably screaming at :)

2 - 6 AMish - They tell me I need to sleep and rest. Well I can't! I don't know if it was the adrenaline or the endorphins or both but I couldn't sleep. Poor Ligea and Andy had neither of these and they were exhausted. Ligea took a walk and fell asleep on a bench and Andy agreed to play cards with me. We played for a little while until I was a little more relaxed and then he took a nap and I just kind of laid there. I have no idea what I was thinking about - probably go to sleep you idiot, this is your last opportunity to sleep for awhile! Either way I had some conversations with the nurses and I waited.

6 AMish - The contractions come back. I am thinking good god! I can't go back into that kind of pain now that I have been pain free! Luckily the same woman from around 2 AM comes back in pushes in some more drugs and I am once again pain-free. Now the doctor comes in to see how I am doing so this is the 'big check' to see if I have made it to 10 cm or if I am the same and I will need a c-section. And keep in mind last time I saw her she said this was kind of my last option and it was definitely not guaranteed that the epidural would do anything for me so I was nervous. Well the swelling went down and I was at 10 cm. Yeah! They said that they needed to get the contractions closer together so I would get some pitosin and I should be ready by about 8 AM for some pushing!

6-8 AM ish - More waiting. More doctors and nurses are coming in. Andy and Ligea are up. We talk about the plan - how to push, etc.

8 AMish - I think I start to push at this point. I liked the bar from last night but I do this basically laying down in bed. They have shut off the drugs to the epidural so that I can feel some of the contractions in order to know when to push. The drugs are still in affect so this was hard for me but I think I could tell most of the time. I pushed for about an hour. I knew that they would take Murdoch away because there was some black 'baby poo' as we will call it before he was born so he needed to be cleaned up. The plan was that Andy wouldn't look below the shoulders. Well he looked for about 75% of the time and then couldn't look at the end. At this point the pain is coming back but it isn't the same pain as before - it was more burning instead of straight up searing pain.

9:18 AM - After a little over an hour of pushing we welcomed a new baby boy into the world - Murdoch Parsons Sutherland. His name was going to be Jackson Parsons Sutherland until sometime in the early morning hours when we were playing cards and one of the nurses asked us the names. We said we hadn't totally decided on the name for the boy and she said she wanted to hear them, if it was okay, and hopefully one of them wasn't Jack - we were going to use that as the nickname. We that was one of our names so we told her that. She said that she had delivered 5 Jacks in the last week - I guess it was a very popular name. So right then and there we changed it. Anyway, Murdoch came out, everyone said oh my that is a big baby! I have to say that I am glad I didn't know that before I had him! That would have made me even more nervous! He was taken away to be cleaned up, Andy was with him and Ligea stayed with me while I was 'cleaned up'. I had more than normal bleeding but the midwife said - well you just had a 9 pound 1 ounce baby - what do you expect. You look great! I was cleaned up as much as can be done while you are laying in bed and then they brought Murdoch over to me. I have no idea what my first thought was. I think I was totally out of it - the long night with no sleep was catching up to me. But he fed and we got ready for our journey down to the recovery floor. Then another doctor came in to remove the epidural. He came in and said something like 'Hey next time you should get it right way, all of that work and pain and then you end up with it anyway' he said this as kind of a joke - not a big fan of that guy at the time!

Rest of the day on August 28th, 2007 - phone calls to friends and family to let them know the news. Sitting around half asleep/half in shock. Watched some TV.

Murdoch now you are 1 year old! We have survived the first year and I couldn't have asked for more from a baby. You are easy - always have been - I love your smile and your laugh - whenever I am tired or totally worn out that gives me a little extra energy to get through the day. I can't wait for the years ahead but I am already missing my baby because I can see the toddler that you are already becoming who needs me less and less which is hard and it is only going to become harder. I love you more than I could ever put into words so I won't try. Just know that whatever you do in your life I will always love you with all of my heart and I will always be there to support you. Love and kisses always, Mom.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One year ago today...

So I went to a personal training session at lunch today - my first real one ever and I thought to myself while I was doing this horrible core workout that I went into labor around this time one year ago and if I got through that I could get through this 30 minutes of core work and balance. And then my mind turned around and said - you know what, I would rather be in labor :)

The night before I went into labor, which was a Sunday last year, I went to see a movie in a movie theatre - the last time I have done that since having Murdoch. I went to see The Bourne Ultimatum with Andy, Matt Levine, Bridget, and Marcus. They serve beer there and I bought a beer that night - Matt was getting two beers and they will only server one person one beer so the pregnant lady bought the beer - Matt still finds that funny. So we went to the movies that night and I loved the movie - maybe it was all of the noise in that movie that made Murdoch decide that he wanted to come out.

Monday, August 27th.

9 AM - Non-stress test. Woke up got online to do a little bit of work and I was hating that I had to go in for this test! I got there, was on the bed, the first reading wasn't good so I had to do another one. So annoyed the whole time that I had to do this test because I was now officially over-due. The baby/it moved enough so I was free to go. The whole time I was thinking to myself - please go into labor because you are already at the hospital - that would make it so easy!

10:36 AM - Back at home and I start to work again - I sent out emails to people though not doing too much because I have transitioned pretty much all of my work to other people - I am now a week over-due.

12:28 PM - Call Andy (yes I pulled up my cell phone records for this) I am guessing that I am calling to say that I might be in labor - just as a heads up in case he has meetings. Bear in mind - at this point everything I have read saying that you can do laundry, watch a movie, etc. so I think I have all of the time in the world.

12:30 PM - Call Ligea, my doula, to also let her know this - her day may be interrupted so I wanted to give her as much notice as possible.

12:37 PM - I send the following email to my boss:
I am going to sign off for a little while - I think I might be having some contractions so I really can't concentrate on work. I will give you an update later today either way.
Thank you,

1:53 PM - Call Andy again - I think this is the phone call that says I am definitely in labor you need to come home.

2:00 PM - Call Ligea again - I am definitely in labor

1:55 PM - Call Andy again - not sure what I didn't say 2 minutes before - maybe he can fill in the blanks

3:00 PM, 3:03 PM, 3:22 PM - All calls to Andy - I think these were my calls basically saying where the hell are you?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3:39 PM & 3:40 PM - Call Ligea - I think this was to say that we had decided to go to the hospital because this didn't seem to be a passing thing

Sometime after that leave for the hospital, as we get to the hospital Andy misses the turn and I want to kill him! Arrive at the hospital - park in the top level of the parking garage - needless to say this is going to take me awhile to get down and over to the hospital. Get out of the car - throw up all over the car - hey at least it was the outside of the car instead of the inside and we were on the top level so if it rained it would be cleaned off right. Walk to the elevator, take it down, bad contraction in front of the hospital, some guy asks if everything is okay and if anything is wrong - I am pretty sure it is easy to figure out that I am in labor by the size of my stomach! Somehow get to the labor and delivery area.

4:17 PM - Call Ligea - tell her we are there

4:56 PM - Call my boss - I won't be into work tomorrow or logging on later tonight

Stay in there for what seems like forever, maybe 45 minutes - get the general workup and checked out to make sure I am far enough along in order to be admitted. I am 3cm - I thought well that is something. They said that I would be admitted and I would get a room with a jacuzzi - I thought great!

The rest of the afternoon/evening/night is a blur. I know I was in a room with Andy, Ligea, and two nurses - one was Steph and for the life of me I can't remember the name of the other one. They were extremely supportive, understanding, helpful, etc. Lots of things went on in that room that I will never repeat and only Andy will know or a close friend after I have had a few drinks. I do know that Andy help me up over and over again during the contractions, he didn't flinch (at least as far as I knew at the time) when I bit his shoulder when I thought that I was only biting his shirt. Ligea was right there helping both of us - supporting me and also giving Andy the support he needed to deal with me in this state that he had never seen me in before. I know that he felt helpless so having Ligea there was the best decision I made while I was pregnant. We tried different positions, got in the jacuzzi, didn't work, and finally it was time to push.

9:30 PMish - I was in my bed with my little pushing bar and I was exhausted but ready to push. I was making great time! They said this was supposed to take an average of 12 hours - I was thinking - hey look at me I am above average! So I was pushing, and pushing, and I guess it wasn't going very well so I was 'checked' again by the on-call doctor and she determined that I was actually only 9cm instead of 10cm so I needed to go back to working to get to 10cm. So I have to say this was devastating!

So for the next couple hours we did everything we could in order to accomplish that last cm. And then it was August 28th...

Photos from vacation

So I downloaded the photos from vacation - I think that was record time for me. Right now I am usually around a month delay. Of course I have a whole month of photos and videos to post and I try to post in order but that makes me even more behind.

It was a great vacation. My parents flew in on Friday, we had a nice dinner and then headed up to Maine on Saturday. As usual we had way too many things going on Saturday morning so instead of leaving at noon we left at 2 but I think we missed a lot of the traffic because of that. It was a pretty easy drive up, though we hit some major downpours and hail when we were in Maine - people were pulled over to the side of the highway at every overpass and we were going about 30 MPH on 95! We got to the address - which was incorrect and in the back-roads of Maine which was a little weird. I didn't have the directions from the people and the GPS wasn't finding it - so things did not go well at this point. Andy was pissed I didn't have the directions and I said that the directions were in my email which he thought was on my laptop but they weren't - I needed to connect to the internet. So after a quick lookup on the iPhone we found the people's number and called them for directions and we got to the house - and may I say I was relieved to get there - the other street (with the same name) was a little scary and if the house had been on that street I think I would have demanded my money back.

The whole week was nice. Talli & Bob came on Sunday for a visit. We basically relaxed, watched the Olympics, napped, took walks, etc. On Monday night we celebrated Murdoch's birthday - we had ice cream cake, he had a banana. I am carrying some guilt that I didn't do all of this stuff for my child's first birthday but I need to let that go. We had fun and Murdoch loves bananas so really there wasn't a big loss. Even if I made that huge cake I didn't want him to have any so it would have been a lot of work for us and everyone loved the ice cream cake from the store. I am sure there will be many birthdays in the future where a big cake is consumed happily by little people.

Bob & Talli left on Tuesday and we continued to relax the rest of the week. Thursday we had a play date for Murdoch - one of the guys that I work with lives about 20 minutes from where we were staying and they had a little boy last year about 2 weeks before Murdoch was born so it was a perfect match. The boys played and then we all went out for lunch which was great. One side note - when we returned home to find Deucey vomiting and we were very concerned. After about 12 hours of vomiting we found the cause - about 5 pieces of hard plastic about 2-3 inches in diameter and two squeakers were consumed, sat in her stomach, and then eventually made it back out. I thought we were going to the emergency room the next day. Luckily she got all of it out of her system. We were going outside with a flashlight to collect the 'gifts' (gross I know) to try and figure out what she had eaten. We still don't know - our best guess is a plastic ball that she found at some point on Thursday. Either way I was much relieved when she stopped vomiting and was able to sleep - we were all pretty nervous!

Friday we took a trip into the downtown area to walk around and Andy stayed back at the house with Deucey for some beer, sun, and fishing. He had a little relax time and then we left on Saturday. It was an easy drive back, gorgeous weather! Sunday my parents left and then Monday we were back to the grind.

Here is a link to the pictures. These are just from our camera for now but I am sure there will be some from both of the grandparents soon as soon and they have a chance to upload them. Enjoy the final week of summer!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Emily!

Today my little sister turns 30 - which makes me feel very old when I say that. But at the same time I don't find my own age to be old. I guess it is just one of those milestones that makes you realize how much time has passed.

Emily had to go back to school on her birthday which sucked but she had an awesome summer in Colorado Springs doing her clinical for PT and she was a star! I hope you got to relax a least a little bit before things get busy again. Murdoch will give you a big kiss at Christmas! We miss you!

Back from Vacation!

We arrived home on Saturday around 1 PM and I immediately wanted to leave the house. We had some of our floors redone while we were gone, which was fabulous, but coming home to dust, all of your furniture in one room and things just a total mess after a week of relaxation, gorgeous weather, and fun with the family was just too much! The week was great - had the best week of weather that we have had all summer - it has been a very rainy summer for us. Got in some naps, Murdoch actually slept past 6 AM, and everyone had fun interacting with Murdoch and he loved the attention. The pictures are still on the camera and we had about 3 cameras going throughout the week so there will be a lot of them! Hopefully I can get the first round onto my laptop tonight or tomorrow so you get a taste of the vacation. Hate to be back at work but I missed everyone so in that sense it is good to be back.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Signing off...for awhile

We are leaving for vacation tomorrow so I will be signing off for a little while. Though I am bringing my laptop and I have a ton of pictures and videos that need to be posted so you might see some old stuff on here when I am taking some quick breaks which Murdoch is sleeping. We are crossing our fingers for nice weather. We have had so much rain lately so we are hoping for some sunny days to get out and enjoy the summer days a little bit. Hopefully that works out for us. I hope you are all enjoying your summer and we will talk to you soon.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

11 Months!

Through the magic of technology your child can age a month in just two days! Or it is just a Mom who is way behind on the posts! Murdoch will be a year two weeks for today - seems crazy! So long and so short at the same time. This one is a little long. I have another shorter one but he stands up in this one - that has been hard to capture on film.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

10 Months!

Murdoch is going to be 1 in about 2 weeks so I thought it might be a good idea to catch up on all of his videos before then. I was having technical difficulties getting the videos from the camera onto my laptop so we have a build up of about 2 months worth of videos. This one isn't all that exciting - we have some eating and a little bit of talking.

Right now we are very busy with the house - the electrical for the bathroom and family room was completed yesterday along with the tile floor in the bathroom. Andy trimmed out some of the windows and later this week hopefully the plumbing will be done. So it is going to be a busy week house wise and we are going on vacation next week so we need to get ready for that and the arrival of the STL grandparents.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Visit to Georgia - Finally!

Our visit to Georgia was almost 2 months ago so I am a little behind on those pictures. Either way here they are. You have already heard about the trip so I won't go on about what a great time we had.

An update on the screaming baby - he was screaming at 12:30 AM and he didn't want to be held and rocked. Not as much fun. Going to need some caffeine today! Oh well. We are hoping for a nice weekend without too much rain.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Anyone want a screaming baby at 3:45 AM?

I DO! Murdoch woke up on Tuesday morning at 3:45 AM screaming - both the early wake up and the screaming was not normal for him. It turns out he had a small fever which is probably because of teething. 3:45 AM is not exactly my favorite time of the morning but I got to go in and rock my baby back to sleep which never happens anymore. These days he is a little wiggle worm that doesn't want to be held so he goes to bed wide awake sitting up with no rocking from me. Though this is great because he is learning to put himself to bed it is also another thing I am losing as he grows up. So though I don't want to be up at that hour I just reminded myself how nice it was to hold him and rock him back to sleep.

I thought these pictures were cute - he kept crawling toward the camera while I was trying to take these. You can also see on his right eye - a small yellow mark - that is as close as we have gotten to a black eye so far - a little bum from the chair and he didn't even cry! Sometimes he is a tough kid. In the past week he has stood up from a squatting position by himself, crawled down the stairs, and taken 2 steps before falling down. I think we are in big trouble!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

A terrible loss

Yesterday we found out that Andy's grandmother/Talli's Mom passed away. I think it was very shocking news for all of us. We went down to see Midge in March while visiting Andy's parents and it was a great visit. We got to see 4 generations of the family together and Murdoch loved all of the attention she gave him.
She was a very independent and with it. She would email me often with updates of what she was doing, she checked the blog, she was very involved with the community and she was a very accomplished painter. She was planning on coming up to the area in August for a visit so we are really going to miss her next month and the many months to come.
I didn't know here that well so if you would like to post a comment with some memories that you have they will be kept for a later date for others to read and hopefully it will bring a smile to their face.
We will miss you Midge!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Long time no blog....

It has been a little while since my last post. We have been very busy - I had a wedding shower/bachelorette party on Saturday that I was organizing and then we went to the George Michael concert on Sunday night so it was a packed weekend for us. Plus videos aren't downloading onto my laptop - I need to fix that and I just haven't been motivated to do so. But my Dad called saying that he had some pictures from our trip to STL back in May ready so I thought why not post those. Murdoch already looks so different so I thought it was good to see these. I hope you enjoy them and I will try to post more pictures soon - I just need to get those on my laptop!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I have been nominated!

My friend, family by marriage, fellow blogger, and fellow Mother, Ellen, has nominated me for an award! This is so exciting! I don't feel like my blog is all that groundbreaking it is more to chronicle Murdoch's life and then other things that happen to our family. And also it is for the grandparents and other family members to see the progress of Murdoch - we don't have local family, except for Uncle Hugh, so this way people can see what we are up to and I don't need to write a ton of emails and send pictures every other day - because that just isn't happening!

So now that I have been nominated I must pass on the love to other bloggers.
Here are the rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog.

2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.

3. Nominate at least seven other blogs.

4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.

5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.

Here is my list (okay so I don't have 7 blogs so this is the best I can do):

1. Byron Ladybugs: Okay so this may seem a little silly because Ellen nomiated me but I go to her blog every single day, at least working days, to read about what is going on down in Georgia. Ellen is married to Craig who is my husband's cousin so we know each other via the guys and the fact that we married them. I think the first time I met Ellen was at the rehearsal dinner for her wedding - though I could be wrong but I think that is correct. Obviously being her wedding weekend and all I didn't get to talk to her much but over the years we say each other more and more at family events. I think the first time it really clicked for me that we would really get along was in Maine when we discussed having children and the struggle that we were both having about do I want them, if I don't have them and then I change my mind, what is life going to be like if we have them, etc. And now years later Ellen has two gorgeous, intelligent and strong little girls and I have one little guy with some crazy hair. So obviously we both made the decision to have kids but we still struggle with issues around kids, life, husbands, etc., and I feel like we see a lot of these issues the same way which makes Ellen a good sounding board - she always takes the time to listen/read about my issues, has good advice that isn't judgemental, and at the end of the day she is a lot of fun to laugh with over a glass of wine. The only thing I would change is that she lived closer - being about 1000 miles or so apart makes it tough but it is an important bond to me so I will make sure that I see all of them at least once a year!

2: Mary/Mean Mommy: I met Mary through my husband - he grew up with Tony, Mary's wife and they have been good friends for probably almost 30 years. I met Mary about 10 years ago - they came up for a visit and I instantly loved her! She is funny, I love that she uses a lot of bad language, she can drink, and she is so easy to talk to! Again this is another person who is not close which makes it hard but I feel like I know what she has going on in her life because of her blog. She writes exactly what I am thinking but I can't get it down on paper - thanks for making me laugh outloud so many times and for being such a great Mother and wife!

3: Kristina Young: I met Kristina through my husband who works with her husband. Kristina is a mother of two and looking to start her own business doing photography - which is what she really loves and is her passion. Kristina was kind enough to take pictures of me when I was pregnant and I thought they were awesome! I really admore her because she has found something that she loves, she is going after it, and to top it off she is really good at it. Visit her site and check out the photos!

I know that isn't 7 but those are really the only blogs that I visit on a regular basis so I didn't think it would be a good idea to just find a blog to nominate that I don't know that well. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Glimpse into the Future

Andy has been saying for awhile that Murdoch is looking less and less like a baby and more like a little kid. I agree but at the same time he still appears to be a baby - my baby. Well when we arrived home today from work and daycare I got him out of the car in his car seat and set him down on the driveway while I got all of the bags together, I glance over at him while he played with his maraca and he was a toddler sitting in Murdoch's infant seat.

I thought to myself 'Where has my baby gone?! I have started to understand more and more over the past couple of months why people have more kids - a baby is an addiction, an addiction that is then taken away from you and that you can't get back. But you can get it back - just get pregnant again. At times it is like a drug - it clouds your mind - of course just have another kid, you forget about the lack of sleep, the crying, etc. It is a completely irrational thought at times but it is such a strong feeling in your gut! Andy is going to be my rational side when my gut wants more babies.

I think my baby turning into a toddler is the start of some lasts. Ellen had a good post about first vs lasts - as parents we are always looking for firsts in our child, but we tend to not notice the lasts. We need to get a toddler seat for Murdoch - so we will no longer bring him in asleep in his infant car seat - I loved the way he loved in there especially when he was zipped up in his little 'sleeping bag'. I know there are a lot of exciting things ahead but seeing a toddler in my son made me realize how quickly he is growing up and that I will never have that time back.

On a separate note we have a charger for the battery again so we will have pictures again soon. We are off to Maine this weekend to visit Bob and Talli - we will definitely have some pictures after that so we will start posting those again soon. Enjoy the weekend.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Camera Down!

I have the camera, I have the battery, but I don't have the little thing that the battery fits into in order to pull it into the wall to charge it. So we are running on empty right now. I want to save the little bit of battery life just in case something big happens and I don't have enough battery life to get the photos from the camera to the computer. So right now I have a few videos but that is about it. Hopefully I can find one of these chargers soon! I have a lot of photos on that camera and I would like to get them uploaded.

On a positive note it looks like we might get insulation today which means that walls aren't far behind! I can't wait for this house project to be over!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Congrats Hugh & Karen!

We just found out last night that Hugh and Karen got engaged on Sunday! We couldn't be more thrilled! I don't have any details or pictures or anything like that but I wanted to throw this post out there so people would know - not like it isn't traveling like wildfire on the Sutherland side of the family!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Anniverary & Holiday Weekend

Thursday was our 4 year anniversary. Hugh came over to babysit Murdoch so we were able to go out to dinner. We went to Sibling Rivalry in the South End. Hugh and Karen gave us a gift card so we used that for our meal (thank you Hugh and Karen!). The traffic was horrible getting there - you think I would have thought about the fact that it was the day before 4th of July before I started driving! We left early to have a drink before dinner and ended up getting there right on time. No matter. The dinner was awesome - I had soft shelled crabs and Andy had lamb and tenderloin. I had two drinks which were awesome! And we had a nice molten lava cake. Once you had a kid it is so nice to get out and enjoy yourself without looking at your watch thinking, when did he last eat, how much time do we have until he needs to eat again or nap or is he close to a nap so he is going to have a melt down!? It was rough the next morning because the Man woke up a little before 5 but it was worth it to get out of the house and have a conversation that didn't involve Murdoch.

The rest of the weekend was nice - I loved that it was a 3-day weekend! Work has been very busy, and is only going to get worse so any little reward like a 3-day weekend is great right now! Most of the weekend was spent working on the house - Andy installed more trim, ran most of the speaker wire in the TV room which means that we should gett insulation and then walls relatively soon, and we started using the master bath! We went to Hugh & Karen's for a BBQ on Saturday which was nice - it forced us to get out of the house and be social.

I have a feeling this week is going to be a long one - work wise so I will try to keep the posts up while sucking down caffeine to get through the day. Enjoy the week!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Fun with Craig!

As you can see I am catching up - now I am only about 2 weeks behind on videos! :) This one is from Georgia. Murdoch was in love with Craig when we went down there for a visit! He would follow him all around the house and wanted to be in his lap all of the time. Maybe there was just too much estrogen in the house so it forced these guys to bond, I don't know. Either way it was so cute!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


I think this video is so funny! At times it is hard to tell if Murdoch is laughing or crying unless you are really looking at him. In this video he is laughing. At times he find Deucey really really funny and this is one of them. He was squealing even more before we turned the camera on but I think we got some of it.

Enjoy the week!

PS - Murdoch slept without his pacifier again last night! But Andy had a rough morning with him - he was up early, a little cranky, and the diaper didn't hold - enough said :)

Monday, June 30, 2008

9 Months!

Considering that I did Murdoch's 10 months video this past weekend I thought it would be a good idea to get this one on the blog first. Obviously we are far behind on videos and pictures. I downloaded all of the videos to my laptop last night so this week should be filled with video updates.

Please ignore me in this video - I keep saying 8 month video - it is actually 9 months.

Friday, June 27, 2008

I know this is not the end...

...but I am happy to report that I just put Murdoch down for bed without his pacifier - this is the first time! He cried for about 2 minutes which could occur with the pacifier. Now he is face down talking in his crib so he doesn't appear to be too upset. I know he is going to need it again but this gives me hope that we can get rid of it by his first birthday. For some reason I am really stressing about getting rid of it - in the end if the worst thing that happens in the first couple of years is that he still uses a pacifier life is good. I need to learn to keep thing in perspective. I get a little obsessed about one thing and then it becomes the center of my life.

This is way more important than Murdoch using a pacifier. Those are the things that keep me up at night.

Rough Week

I got a call from daycare on Tuesday that Murdoch had a fever. I picked him up around 1 PM and tried to make him feel more comfortable. His fever went over 103 that day so I knew one of us wouldn't be at work the next day. Andy's Mom randomly wrote about wanting to see Murdoch so I wrote back and said he would definitely be at home the next day. So she drove down from Maine the next morning to help us out. Andy was home in the AM and then went to work. Talli had a lot of rocking and soothing - the man was clingy and cranky. Not a good combo! I stayed home from work on Thursday. The fever was definitely better but Mr. Crankypants was still with us. Talli was with me for most of the day so I was able to get some work done which was so nice - thank you so much! Now Andy may be at home with him. The fever isn't an issue but he still isn't himself and I don't think we should send him in when he needs to be held and rocked - too many other things going on at daycare. So Andy is going to make a game-time decision. Hopefully this is it! We have been so lucky health wise so far - Murdoch has been sick very often especially considering he goes to daycare so I am thankful but still worn out and tired. Maybe he will sleep past 5 this weekend - I could sure use that extra sleep!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Can someone say hair product?

We thought these were pretty funny pictures. Murdoch's sunscreen has a lot of zinc in it so it doesn't rub in that well and it gives him funky hair when we put it on his scalp.

Monday, June 23, 2008

I've got everything I need....

It looks like Andy and Murdoch have everything they need - a Blackberry, a bottle, and the remote control - it doesn't get much better that this!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Working 9-5

I have a huge backlog of pictures and videos so some of these are a little old but at the same time cute so I am going to post them.

Murdoch absolutely loves playing with our laptops. A toy laptop just doesn't do it - those are okay but the real ones are the best. Here are a few pictures of him working away.

Hopefully lots of posts to come. Probably not too much commentary - I am exhausted so just getting the pictures online will be my goal.

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