Monday, November 01, 2010

Happy Pumpkin Day!

Costumes for M&T - Check!

M&T actually want to wear the costumes - That is about a half of a check.

Trick or Treat! - What is that says M?

Happy Halloween - Again, what is that? M is calling it Pumpkin Day!

First time out Trick or treating - Check. Though it took a little convincing. We went out in a friend's neighborhood. On our street you would have no idea it was Halloween. And to be honest all I did was buy two uncarved pumpkins and put them on the steps. At first M didn't want to put his costume on and it was cold so he wanted to go home. But after a few houses I asked:

Me: 'Do you want to go back to car and go home or do you want to go to one more house?'

M: One more house.

Me: After the candy at the next house, 'Do you want to go back to car and go home or do you want to go to one more house?'

M: One more house.

That happened for about 10 houses and we finally called it a night.

After we got in the groove M was pretty good at saying Happy Halloween and Thank you or Trick 'R Treat and thank you for the candy. Two houses I thought were pretty funny. We went up the door after some older kids and I could hear all of them saying 'Ah man, granola bars!'. Basically saying these suck! M's reaction:

M: 'Happy Halloween'

Guy at the House - 'Oh another Spiderman, here you go!'

Me: (Fake enthusiasm) 'Oh a granola bar!'

M: Looks right at the guy and says 'Oh I LOVE these!'

The Other house:

M: 'Happy Halloween' or something like that

Lady at the door: 'Here you go Spiderman' She was giving little zip lock bags of four pieces of candy. I am not sure why you would go through all of that trouble to make all of these bags especially when you can just give the kids one piece, but anyway...

M: 'WOW!!!! Look at all of this candy. This is A LOT Mom! Thank you!'

So funny. The joy and fun he was having was such a good things to share.

Final funny story:

We went back to the car and we were looking at the various houses that had really cool decorations that we didn't visit because people were falling apart and there was this really cool one with spiderwebs and witches all over the front yard.

M: 'I want to go to that house!'

Me: 'Well we have to go home now.'

M: 'Tomorrow we can go to that house then.'

Me: 'Honey Halloween is only one day so we won't be going to get candy tomorrow.'

M: Silence

T was right there with the big kids. She was so cute in her dragon costume (thank you Ellen) and it was even better when she waddled down the street in her little walk. She kept trying to eat lollipops with the wrappers still on. :)

Pictures to follow.


Ellen 2:05 PM  

Happy Halloween! Great stories! I especially love the granola bar one. Sad to say, but I think mine would not have that reaction!

Unknown 7:30 AM  

Love the stories! Poor M is learning about annual celebrations that end until next time... can't wait to see the photo ops!

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