Saturday, May 28, 2011

Did he just say that......

M: I want some milk PLEASE!

Me: Okay let me get the milk out and a glass.

M: I want some milk now PLEASE

In my head - Do you not see me getting the milk out of the fridge and getting your cup out!!!!! Please doesn't make the rest of what you are saying okay.

Today while I was making breakfast:

M: Mommy, after you finish with that, can I have some milk please.

Me in my head - maybe he is actually listening when I constantly say 'I can only do one thing at a time','I only have one hand','Do you know see the milk and cup in my hand, what do you think I am doing?'

I sure this will go as soon as it has come but it was a pleasant surprise when you are up with two kids while your husband is in bed very hungover.


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