Friday, December 19, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

I started this post on Wednesday morning because we got about an inch of snow. Now it is Friday and we are all at home watching about a foot of snow fall! So I think this is much more appropriate now. I love the snow - of course in about a month or so I will hate it. As the song says - 'let it snow, we've got no place to go'. That is when snow is awesome! But when you have somewhere to go like work so you are walking to the train, and daycare so you have a little person that doesn't want to put on all of that extra clothes and hates the snow in his face I think to myself - it was much easier to just slip on some flip-flops. The snow is still a novelty so I will enjoy it - maybe even with some fresh baked cookies - but I am sure I will be complaining in about a month about it. Or I could be complaining tomorrow when I need to shovel but I don't know what to do with a toddler and a dog because the other adult is in Denver which makes things a little harder. Oh well - tonight we shall dine on cookies and milk - now I just need that fireplace! Enjoy the holidays!


Ellen 6:19 PM  

Grace has asked me three times this week if we can move someplace that has snow. I miss the first real snowfall.......but then again I like not having to bundle the kids.

Happy Snow!

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