Friday, November 06, 2009


One thing I really enjoy is working out. It is the one time of my day that is just for me. No kids asking for milk, food, read me a book, etc. And no one is showing up at my office to ask for something, calling me for something, or sending me an email asking me for something. When I was pregnant I got caught up in a boring workout routine which involved a lot of cardio and a lot of watching TV while I did it and not too much work on my part. I think I just did the same machine day in and day out. My body got used to it and it was easy and mindless for me to do.

Now post-baby and knowing that there aren't any more I have decided to re-dedicate myself to working out and really getting in shape. So today I went swimming for the first time in about 15 years. I swam for about 15 years or so before that. I swam about 36 laps and I was tired and it feels like I am going to be sore but it is a good feeling.

I have set a goal for myself - a sprint triathlon in the Spring. I don't really know how to ride a bike very well, I hate running, and I have never done an open water swim. So it is definitely going to be a challenge but having a goal I think will go a long way in getting me back at the gym on a regular basis and really working hard when I go. I will post little updates as I reach more and more goals throughout the process.


Marcus and Bridget 8:42 AM  

That is very impressive! I think the only triathalon I could do right now is walking, sleeping, and pumping! -B

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