Saturday, September 10, 2011

First day of school

M has moved to a new school for pre-K. I wish I could tell you that I have these really cute photos but they just wear a t-shirt and blue sweatpants. I ordered the correct t-shirts late so we don't have those. And really he has been going to daycare since he was 10 weeks old so it isn't like this is the first time he is going off. Though I have to say that the amount of tears, crying, snot, screaming, etc. that we have had this week would make you think that he has never gone to school before. It has been a very hard and long week. One of those weeks that makes you question your choices that you have made as a parent for your child. He needed to move on from where he was, I know that, but now I am questioning if this was the correct move. But then I think what was our other option, nothing because we were on the waiting list for every other school we applied for. My fingers are crossed that it improves over the next couple of weeks because there is only so long that this can go on before it breaks me. I am definitely already cracked but all it would take is one good day to wipe out all of those other bad days. So here is to hoping for that good day - we could all use it!


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