Friday, June 27, 2008

I know this is not the end...

...but I am happy to report that I just put Murdoch down for bed without his pacifier - this is the first time! He cried for about 2 minutes which could occur with the pacifier. Now he is face down talking in his crib so he doesn't appear to be too upset. I know he is going to need it again but this gives me hope that we can get rid of it by his first birthday. For some reason I am really stressing about getting rid of it - in the end if the worst thing that happens in the first couple of years is that he still uses a pacifier life is good. I need to learn to keep thing in perspective. I get a little obsessed about one thing and then it becomes the center of my life.

This is way more important than Murdoch using a pacifier. Those are the things that keep me up at night.


Unknown 7:23 PM  

Sounds like he's making progress... glad to hear he's a little better anyway. Did the fever not disappear?

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