Friday, June 27, 2008

Rough Week

I got a call from daycare on Tuesday that Murdoch had a fever. I picked him up around 1 PM and tried to make him feel more comfortable. His fever went over 103 that day so I knew one of us wouldn't be at work the next day. Andy's Mom randomly wrote about wanting to see Murdoch so I wrote back and said he would definitely be at home the next day. So she drove down from Maine the next morning to help us out. Andy was home in the AM and then went to work. Talli had a lot of rocking and soothing - the man was clingy and cranky. Not a good combo! I stayed home from work on Thursday. The fever was definitely better but Mr. Crankypants was still with us. Talli was with me for most of the day so I was able to get some work done which was so nice - thank you so much! Now Andy may be at home with him. The fever isn't an issue but he still isn't himself and I don't think we should send him in when he needs to be held and rocked - too many other things going on at daycare. So Andy is going to make a game-time decision. Hopefully this is it! We have been so lucky health wise so far - Murdoch has been sick very often especially considering he goes to daycare so I am thankful but still worn out and tired. Maybe he will sleep past 5 this weekend - I could sure use that extra sleep!


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