Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Year's Resolutions - a little late

I read this and enjoyed it, I thought you might as well. New Year's resolutions aren't my thing but this year I decided that I could actually take a calcium and iron supplement without losing too much sleep - and so far it has worked. I am trying to eat less sugar - that is my huge issue - I love sweets! So I am trying to eat them only when they are really good and find ways to cut out sugar in other things. This story is a dramatic change but I think if you just try one or two like a little less sugar and flossing your teeth you are much more likely to stick with it. How much better do you think you would look and feel if you got up in the AM and did 20 push-ups - it makes a difference after the first month. So I am trying for small life changes and when I get off track I will enjoy those 10 cookies and then the next day I will happily eat that apple.



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