Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mom = Enabler?

Murdoch went to the doctor yesterday for his 18 month check-up. He has become a picky eater, he is a lot more clingy, and he has been waking up at night crying - not enough for us to go in but that is not his normal routine. Each of these things on their own really wouldn't mean much to me at all but all of them at once lead me to believe that something might be wrong. So for the past week when he asks to be picked up I do, when he wants a different food, he gets it, etc. I had Andy mention this to the doctor - I wanted to make sure there wasn't something physically wrong with him like an ear infection or something like that. Well apparently we are just enablers according to the doctor and though he didn't say it I think I am the bigger enabler just due to the fact of the way Murdoch acts toward me vs. Andy.

Last night when I picked him up from daycare though he screamed, cried, and threw himself on the floor I didn't carry him out. He refused to hold my hand so I held his wrist and though he screamed the whole time he walked out of daycare to the car - granted everyone was staring at us. He screamed for about 5 blocks and then it just stopped and he was perfectly happy. Okay well I survived that one. We got home and he threw himself on the ground again. I offered him food - all things no. I got out little crackers and put some spreadable cheese on them - no again. I ate them. After about 10 crackers and 10 minutes of screaming in the highchair he was asking for the crackers and other food that I had already offered and go the no. After we finished dinner we had a nice time playing and then a nice time in his room before bed - no more tantrums. Clearly I need thicker skin and I need to get through the tantrum because so far they only last 5-10 minutes which really isn't that long.

I am sure that this is something that a lot of parents go through - maybe not but I have to think there are others out there. My goal will be not to give into his every need because right now he seems to be craving attention and if I give into the screaming it just leads to more screaming. Hopefully with this new approach we will all be a lot happier after a long day at work/school. And I am hoping to learn this lesson now so that in 15-20 years I am not on Intervention saying that my picture should be in the dictionary next to enabler because Murdoch is an alcoholic or addicted to some other drug.


Ellen 7:02 AM  

This is why I like babies, but toddlers notsomuch.

It's all about control, and nothing makes me lose my temper more quickly. Julia tried to make a stand in the parking lot of home depot this morning, and I was ready to wring her neck. I didn't, of course, but it's amazing how they can push your buttons.

I wish I could say it gets easier, but it doesn't. Just stand your ground, and he will come around.

Unknown 7:16 PM  

Sounds like you both are coping well. Being a parent truly is the biggest challenge you'll face. At least, I think so!
It's the beginning of letting go and simultaneously being there aware.

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