Thursday, May 07, 2009

Doing well...

Bob's surgery went well and he is resting and recovering. I believe the results of the surgery, as far as what was removed, should be back in a week or so. Hopefully all of the results of those tests are positive and good!

Nothing new from the Suthersons. Andy is leaving today for a wedding in LA so I will have the troops by myself through Sunday. I am crossing my fingers for no rain so that we can get out and go for some walks and such instead of being trapped inside of a dirty house while it rains. Hopefully Murdoch is on his best behavior and there aren't too many temper tantrums this weekend. I am hoping for a nice boring weekend with a little bit of sun and outdoor time.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend. Maybe if Murdoch goes to bed at a decent time I will upload some pictures - hopefully the cheesy face one to make Bob smile.


Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around 12:55 PM  

so happy the surgery went well and I will keep my fingers crossed for good news from the results in a week!!! i hope the weather cooperates for you this weekend, too, while you are home with deucey, murdoch & baby-on-the-way :)

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