Monday, July 06, 2009

Moving on up

At the end of last week we finally went out to get Murdoch a toddler bed. We are going to need the crib for the new baby so we were hoping to get him used to the new bed, and hopefully during that process he would forget about his crib and not feel like the new baby was taking it away from him. So we made a big deal about bringing it in the house, and putting it together - Murdoch assisted with all of the tools and he thought it was awesome!

Initially we thought we would just start out with naps and move to over night later because he would still ask to go in the crib. That hasn't happened and he did the last two nights in the new bed without issue. He actually just stays in the bed in the morning and calls out for us to come and get him out which is kind of nice. You can just hear him playing with all of his toys on his bed.

During one nap he asked to hold my hand while he fell asleep. Normally he is always put to bed awake but I figured why not - plus it was kind of nice for me. I realize that I won't have as much time with him in a week or so. So while I was holding his hand and leaning on his bed, which was really nice, I looked up at his crib and realized that I may never see him in that crib again, jumping up and down and so happy when I go in to get him in the morning or after a nap.

So yet again this may be another exciting first, but at the same time it could be a last that is already gone before I even knew it was going to be the last. I was sad but I need to remember to focus on the present and how proud I am. I am raising him to be an independent individual, some days it is just hard when those types of things slap you in the face and you realize that they are gone before you even know what has happened.


Ellen 1:59 PM  

I am crying now. Love that little man. Asking to hold your hand....that story is going to stay with me for a long time. I love that he calls for your from his big bed. Grace did too. Now she comes and crawls in bed with us, which is nice too, but I miss those days when the first thing I heard was "mommy, daddy, where are you?"

Unknown 2:50 PM  

You (and Ellen)are very wise women to be realizing this and cherishing the current moments. Murdoch is certainly special.

Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around 7:56 PM  

i LOVE that he wanted to hold your hand, that is so sweet! i hope you guys had a happy anniversary! hopefully this next week is bearable for you until the baby arrives :)

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