Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Words to remember

As I get closer and closer to my due date my complaining levels get higher and higher. I am tired, sore, can't sleep, can't eat, etc. I am sure you know what I am talking about if you have had a baby. Then I start to think - this is such a big change, how will I deal with the lack of sleep, entertaining Murdoch while the baby needs something, will Murdoch reject his new sister or brother, etc. Again all of the things that everyone thinks of. Sometimes it is hard to see the silver lining or the light at the end of the tunnel when you are down in the trenches. But I just got an email from a friend at a previous job about something that someone told him when he found out he was having his second child:

'That is the best gift you could ever give your son.'

So I am going to try and remember that when things are tough. I hope that they are good friends but even if they aren't I just hope they are both better people because they have each other.


Ellen 8:54 AM  

What great words to read. The best moments I've had with two is when I've realized how great they are together. I think Grace is a better person because of Julia, and there's no way to understate what an influence Grace has on her baby sister. When I hear them playing together (which means that I'm not orchestrating play) it's the absolute best. Having two is going to take a lot out of you, but in just couple short years (maybe less) you'll also get the benefit. Murdoch's going to have a playmate. He'll learn how to be in a relationship with a peer (the good and the bad). And the baby is going to be nuts over him. All that time you spent entertaining Murdoch when he was a baby will be less with number two. He or she is going to be enthralled with his/her big brother.

I'm thinking about you every day. I don't want to be a bother. I remember how insulated I was right before J was born. I'm always here though, and I'm looking forward to seeing all four of you in August.

Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around 5:44 AM  

happy almost anniversary!!! also - i love the quote about being the best gift you could give murdoch :) hope you are feeling alright!!!

Unknown 7:21 AM  

Those words are so true. Have you noticed that only children often don't quite understand relationship with peers (or others for that matter)? Ellen's remarks are very wise!

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