Friday, January 01, 2010

2010 is Here. Yeah!

Since I now have 2 kids and already dedicated one post to Murdoch, here is one for Thayer.

I was always kind of scared of having a little girl because I never had a sister and almost none of my friends growing up had sisters either. Well so far she's been great. Doesn't cry or make a fuss that much. Sleeps a lot (just like her old man). And is generally in a happy mood.

Well this morning, my 2010 started off in the usual crappy way. Murdoch comes prancing into our room like a raging bull. Starts proclaiming everything under the sun as his and grabbing it to throw in a giant pile around himself. Yelling at the top of his lungs that he wants to eat. So we start to get up to get breakfast when he decides to grab some screws that had been lying around. I do the usual "Don't touch those you might get hurt!" which clearly means nothing as he smiles, laughs, and runs off. Eventually I determine the bizzare little hiding spot that he has for them so we can finally get breakfast. At which point something, I'm still not sure what sets him off into orbit in a tantrum that lasts a good 20 minutes. All I can think of is Happy New Year!! Definitely not an It's a Wonderful Life moment for me.

Then we hear some noise on the monitor and it sounds like Thayer is ready to eat. So I go upstairs to grab her, very grumpy at this point, only to find a shiny, happy face smiling up at me. And I realized, I'm so glad that I have a little girl to go along with the train wreck. Any time he makes me crazy I can run away to someone else who always seems so happy to see me. At least until she's 12....


Ellen 10:56 AM  

In the last three days I've had plenty of moments where I think "I wish we could still have one more kid", and then that thought is interrupted by earsplitting screams from either J or G. At which point, I think THANK GOD we're done! Murdoch's tantrums sound similar.

I fell pretty hard for our second--she's been ridiculously good natured and easy. And even though I complain, it really is good to have two. Then they have someone with whom they can complain about you and Sarah!

Happy New Year!

Unknown 10:39 AM  

Even at 12, she'll be special to me and vice versa!

Unknown 10:56 AM  

Oops! I meant to say you'll be special to her. Do you think I'm distracted with these new laptops?

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