Thursday, January 21, 2010

Yoga and my BFF

This is a picture of Murdoch doing yoga at school with his BFF Alex. They are basically the exact same child - Alex's mother says that they share a brain.

On a separate note I am thinking of making Wednesday either Whining Wednesday or Worn out Wednesday! Laura has wordless Wednesdays where she posts cute pictures or videos of her kids. That is a much better option but yesterday I was worn out and I wanted to whine! Andy traveled three days last week which made it a long week with the drop off and pick up and then I had a three-day weekend so I was thinking yes! This will be good. It started off really well. I was sick on Friday night so I just went to bed. I got up early, ran errands, went to spinning, and then I ran some more errands. Back home to hang out with Murdoch while Andy, Thayer, and Deucey went to the dog park. Deucey comes home and she can't use her back left leg at all. Crossing my fingers I am hoping that clears up, well it doesn't. Sunday is fine. Monday Thayer doesn't have daycare and is a little off so I didn't get much done and Andy left to travel. I take the Deucey to the vet. They tell me she might have torn her ACL or MCL. GREAT! Not only is she is pain but this will be A LOT of money. And I am carrying a 65 pound dog up and down the stairs - Andy fell down the stairs on Sunday doing that when he slipped on ice. Back home. Tuesday - back to work after dropping the kids off and popping Aleve because by this time my lower back is killing me! Tuesday afternoon, daycare calls and says that Thayer sounds weird when she is breathing and they are concerned. I exchange calls with the nurse at the doctor's office and they say that if she is wheasing then they will see her the next day but if she is having an issue breathing she should come in right away. I call daycare back to get an better idea of things. I call the doctor back and now it is after 4 so I am having trouble getting in touch with anyone. I talk to daycare again. They feel like it is pretty bad so I say screw it I will go to the emergency room. I make a bunch of phonecalls trying to find someone who will watch Murdoch - I don't want to expose him to those germs, not to mention the fact that it could be hours and trying to take care of her and watch him would be a nightmare. Andy's friend came over and Murdoch loves him and didn't even care when I left. So I headed to the ER. Things were looking good when I got there but it quickly fell apart. About 90% of the ER were kids and then about 80% of the kids were babies. So we were there for about 5 hours to find out that she had a cold. By the time I got home and got ready for bed and all that I would have gotten maybe 4 hours of sleep if I was going to go to work so I just decided to take a sick day. Especially knowing that Thayer would be sleeping with me for most if not all of the night. Yesterday wasn't bad and Andy got back late last night. So hopefully we are back to normal. And I know a lot of other people have it a lot worse than I do so I don't mean to complain but there are times when I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Ellen 7:16 AM  

Oh my good god, this sounds horrible. I don't think you're complaining. I think your life sounds like it kinda sucks at the moment, and if it were me, I would be saying things not fit for the internet. ANd I'd probably be venting really horrible things about my traveling spouse and pretty much be the bitchiest person on the planet. Cheesus, you need a break.

Poor Deuce, Poor You.

Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around 9:22 AM  

what an awful last few days! you have all the room in the world to complain about the way the last few days have gone, no doubt! i could easily have a whiney wednesday or a worn out wednesday, believe me!!! in fact yesterday i spent most of the day in bed or on the couch because i caught the stomach flu from anne (who i was up with on and off throughout the night on monday night and stayed home with her sick on tuesday, then i caught it tuesday late afternoon...) i am sorry you had to spend 5 hrs at the emergency room to find out thayer had a cold, but i am so relieved that all she had was a cold and nothing more serious. did they think maybe she needs to have breathing treatments or anything since the cold seemed to have affected her breathing so much? is deucey alright? does he need surgery? has murdoch caught the cold or is he alright? hopefully andy is ok from his fall! thinking of you guys!!!!!

Unknown 11:12 AM  

Oh, Sarah! What a horror show - complain, moan and groan, bitch, whatever it takes to continue to cope... and you're still lifting Murdoch! Winter is not a good time, is it?
Obviously, I didn't see this new post before this morning's web call. No wonder the mirror is not your priority!
Hope this week will be better -

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