Monday, October 13, 2008

Back from London! Chill-lax

I got back from London Sunday night after a nice flight - I got to sleep almost the whole time which was luxury because sleeping and flying with a child just doesn't go together.

I arrived Thursday night and hung out with Scott & Gary until about 3 AM drinking wine and talking. I woke at 6 AM with a horrible headache and couldn't fall back asleep. Friday we took a long walk to Canary Pier and had some great sushi and enjoyed the sunny and warm weather - it was in the mid-60s. Friday night we went to Popstar - a club in downtown London. And again I went to bed around 4 AM and woke up at 8 AM. Saturday we visited Gary's Dad out in 'the country' as Scott says and then Scott and I took a walk down to the Tower Bridge, had a Bloody Mary, and a few pints at his local bars as we walked back to the apartment. Saturday night we went to a birthday party for one of their friends. I thought I was going to die of exhaustion around midnight but I rallied and made it until 2. Sunday we all went to the airport - they had an earlier flight back to the States to visit Scott's parents so I went to the airport early with them. I arrived home to an empty house - Andy and the troops were still in Maine. I basically just got home, brushed my teeth and went to bed. And now I am back to work.

It was an awesome weekend - it was so great to see them, the weather was awesome, I was proud of myself that I was able to still go out to clubs even if I was about 10 years older than most of the people there, Gary would like me to promote the work Chill-lax here in the States, and I attempted the game 'Would you?' with them though I suck! Now it is back to the daily grind but it was nice to have a little break and go back to the days when I could do that every weekend. I am looking forward to seeing Murdoch for the first time since Thursday - hopefully he isn't harboring any bad feelings.


Unknown 6:46 PM  

Sounds great! Glad to hear you enjoyed your partying again. Maternity just adds another dimension of appreciation...
No hard feelings from Murdoch that I could see. He called for you for food and comforting - I was a poor second! He is growing so fast - month by month.

Ellen 8:48 AM  

Fabulous! I can't believe that you stayed up that late. I would be DEAD. Though it's not like one goes to London every weekend.

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