Tuesday, April 06, 2010

A Month of Earth Days - Making one small change

Every couple of weeks or even months I try to take a look at my day and see how I could reduce my consumption or do something else that is 'green'. Everyone's day is different so everyone will have a different change. Over a year or so ago I decide to no longer go down to the cafeteria to get my tea every day. I brought a mug in from home, bought a box of tea for about $3, and I bring in my own milk because I like skim with tea and they only have cream at work. So not only am I saving the $1.50 for tea each day - now I have about 100 tea packets for about $3 but I am also saving that cup each day. I am getting rid of that extra trash as well as the energy that is takes to produce that cup and top.

I realize that tea is much different from coffee. People love their coffee and it isn't quite as easy to make your own coffee at work like it is to make your own tea. But you can still get rid of the cup and save money! Most places including Starbucks will give you a discount on your coffee if you bring in your own mug.

I know one cup once a day doesn't seem like much so I try to think about 100 people or 1000 people deciding to do the same thing that I did. Then when I think about 100 cups everyday and the 36500 cups a year that really adds up!

Now I just need to find my next small change that can help make a big difference.


Unknown 12:56 PM  

Good to know about the discount if you bring your own cup! It certainly is a change that can add up.
Central FL is good about recycling - cans, plastic containers, bottles are picked up. Plastic bags, foam containers, and paper bags can be dropped at the grocery stores. Hurrah! Too bad it isn't country-wide. Maybe it depends on the educated population and available land!

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