Thursday, November 08, 2007

Back to work...

I went back to work this week on Tuesday. I will be taking about one vacation day a week until the end of the year just to help out with the transition but so far it has been pretty good and not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. I let for work on Tuesday early - before Andy or Murdoch got up - which I think helped because if they were awake I think it would have made it harder to leave. Right now I just get up as quietly as possible and try to leave without waking anyone up. That means that I don't even kiss Murdoch or Andy goodbye but if I wake Murdoch up at that point it could create a bad morning for Andy.

So far I am happy to be back at work. It is nice to be back on a schedule - showering every day and going back to the gym which I love! Time at the gym is the only time during that day that is mine - I have about 45 minutes where I can watch Food Network in peace with no interruptions and I feel revived when I get back to my desk. The evenings are rough - just making something for dinner and maybe doing one or two small things around the house is a major accomplishment so I am going to have to be more productive over the weekends. But anyone who has children already knows this - the reality is just starting to hit us. I know it will be a daily battle to keep everything together and there will always be obstacles to overcome but hopefully we can stick to our routine and things will be as smooth as possible.

Andy has dropped Murdoch off at daycare the past three days and it has gone relatively smoothly. There was a poop incident on Tuesday which caused Andy to have to take Murdoch into the shower but besides that it seems like we are falling into a nice routine. :)

I have to say that going back to work and trying to balance everything and get a schedule down was the thing that scared me the most - much more so than any sleep deprivation or caring for Murdoch. Thankfully Murdoch has been a very easy and happy baby so that made my leave very pleasant and now I think that is helping with my return to work. Ellen, Andy's cousin, was also a big help while I was on leave. I was a little bored at the beginning and I felt like I just wanted to go back to work because I wasn't really accomplishing anything - except caring for Murdoch. :) After talking with Ellen about it and getting used to the idea that getting Murdoch through the day was enough I really started to enjoy my leave and my time with him and I would not change a single thing about it except that I would have liked to have had some more time with him because the couple of hours in the evening just aren't enough. Maybe if we decide to have another child I will be able to take off a little more time but for now this works for us.

I have a lot of pictures and videos to post but it is much harder to update the blog with those now that I am back to work. As soon as I have a chance to download all of those onto my laptop at home and post them, I will - especially the Halloween pictures because they are so cute!

I just want to say a big thank you for everyone for all of the help we received when Murdoch was born and throughout my leave. I am sure we will continue to receive a lot of help going forward but I just wanted to let you know that we really appreciate everything that our friends and family helped out with during the first two months!


Ellen 1:06 PM  

Hey Suthersons,

It's so nice to see your post. I've been thinking about Sarah being back at work, hoping that the transition was fairly seamless.

Thanks for your words, Sarah. It's nice to have another friend who understands the complexities of being a mom and an individual with her own needs and wants. Despite the struggles we all are pretty blessed.

Hope work continues to go well. Give a snuggle to that little man of yours, and I don't mean Andy.

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