Friday, November 30, 2007


For the past two nights Murdoch has decided that he would like to go back to eating every three hours. For the past month or so he has been sleeping for about 5-6 hours at night which has been so nice especially now that we are both back to work. I know we have been lucky with his sleeping patterns so I shouldn't complain but after two nights of that I think I may need tea put into my body intraveniously. Luckily after today it is the weekend so naps can be taken. Maybe it is just a growth spurt that will pass in a few days.

Talli got out of the hospital on Wednesday and she is on the mend. She is still a little weak and tired so she is resting at our house and then they will start their drive back to Florida. Murdoch and Deucey love having them around for the extra love and attention so we are not in a hurry to have them leave.

Enjoy the weekend - picture and video posts are coming soon!


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