Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Houston we have a tooth...

...and some tears, screaming, crying, and no napping unless you hold me and whisper in my ear that I am going to survive this horrible time when weird white things are breaking through my perfect pink gums! Oh and by the way I need to you be up walking or rocking me this whole time or it just isn't going to work.

That is right - after months of waiting for that tooth to poke through I noticed it yesterday. And to our surprise it wasn't on the top it was on the bottom. The top is still much harder than the bottom and there are little uneven grooves on the top that are the size of teeth but still no teeth there.

Mur had his first dose of children's Tylenol yesterday and I think that helped. Most of the time he is still very happy - just a little cranky when he needs to go down - not sure if it is the tooth or we just aren't seeing the tired signals early enough so he is then too tired to sleep.

So far we are weathering the first tooth pretty well - at least in my opinion. We spent a little bit of time rocking around midnight but besides that it was a pretty good night. Hopefully this continues with the addition of each new tooth. I have gotten used to him sleeping through the night for the most part - I really don't want to go back to waking up every 2-3 hours. I know I will have to do it from time to time but I don't want to do that full-time for weeks - it is brutal!


Unknown 6:02 AM  

Time marches on! Maybe we'll get the next one. Looking forward to it anyway!!

Ellen 8:50 AM  

Yeah, tooth! J is getting number 8, so we are sleepless in Macon here. I hope Mur remains a good teether...I'm ready to sell J on the street.

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