Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A big change

So I got a call yesterday that I have been dying to receive but somehow when it actually occured yesterday it made me instantly sick to my stomach. This may be long so please feel free to skip it - I think this is more for me.

We started looking for daycare last May or June which was apparently way too late - you should basically sign up right after your pregnancy test says positive around here. We went with Bright Horizons which is a chain in the area that is very good but it is also very expensive. I would love to use something less expensive but I didn't want to send Mur just anywhere and I don't know anyone else that uses daycare that lives close so I went with this because I felt like he would be safe there and I wouldn't be thinking what could be going wrong when I was at work. We went to look at one place, the one we wanted both because I knew people that had been there, it is very convenient to home and it was the cheapest, and they basically told us that there most likely wouldn't be an opening in the October/November timeframe. So we signed up there and were put on a waiting list at two other centers which were very close to Andy's work but of course more expensive. About 5 weeks into my maternity leave I started to interview nannies because it looked like daycare just wasn't going to happen. I found one nanny that I loved but she wasn't ready to commit right then and I didn't like the other people as much. Luckily within a day or so of this Bright Horizons called saying that had an opening - at the most expensive one - of course that was my luck. So we took it right away because it was nice, the people were nice, they were reliable, and I needed to take Mur somewhere because going back to work was quickly approaching.

So fast forward a few months - we have gotten used to the cost and we absolutely love it there. Love the center, love the director, and really love Mur's teacher. We get a call from another Bright Horizons - there is an opening. It was just a little bit cheaper so we decided to stay put. And I thought to myself why couldn't it have been the other place! Well yesterday it was the other place. They called and they have an opening starting in March. So for months I have been waiting for this phone call and now that it has come I don't know what to do. In the end we decided to make the change because it is a lot cheaper and because I know other people who go there and they love it. I am not really sure why this is so stressful for me - I just love the teacher at Kendall and I know Mur loves her and I am just worried he won't be as happy or receive the same level of care. But at the same time is he really going to know exactly what is happening - people keep telling me that he will be fine, he is only 6 months, and I know that is probably true but it is still causing a knot in my stomach. I am sure after a week or so there I will look back and think why did I stress so much about that?!!!

Thank you for listening. Sometimes if I can just write something down the problem works it way out because I see how stupid I am being. I still have a knot but I know I am making the right decision. I will let you know how it goes.


Ellen 6:09 AM  

Total mommy sympathy here.

You're his mama, so if the new place doesn't work out, the responsibility lies with you (and Andy, of course, but since he didn't pass Mur's noggin through a birth canal, it's a little different). For me, it all comes down to trying my best to make the right choice, sometimes falling, and getting back up to do it all over again.

In the end the most important person in Mur's life is you (again, sorry, Andy, but that's the way it will be for awhile), so regardless of where you send him he will be okay. He's got mama-love on his side.

Unknown 12:22 PM  

She's right, Sarah. I'm familiar with the knot but, in the end, his security is the continuity and unabashed love from home. (Andy taught me that!) The transition may take a couple of days or not. You've really exposed him to a lot of different people for the last six months so it shouldn't be tough for him... and you know they're good!

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