Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mur Memory Memo - Hand Kisses

Another memory post! I am starting to realize all of the things that I am going to miss if I don't write them down. When Murdoch is having a bottle or when he is going to bed he likes to reach his hand up to my face. Sometimes this results in hair pulling or scratching my face but a lot of the time he puts his hand to my mouth I give him a kiss and then he puts his hand back down. I don't know what this means to him but to me it means that he is looking for a little comfort and I am able to help him out - maybe I am looking into it too much but I don't care. I don't enjoy the scratches or the hair pulling but when that little hand springs up to my face, I give him a kiss on his palm or finger tips, and then he drops it a little relaxed it makes me smile. I know this won't last forever - he is already starting to feed himself so he is using both hands and I don't know how long I will be rocking him to sleep so that will end at some point as well. I will also miss him opening up his eyes briefly every 30 seconds or so while I am rocking him to sleep as if he is checking to make sure I am still there and if I am it is okay to fall asleep. I love those two little eyes that look at you with such trust.


Ellen 7:16 AM  

crying now. Julia does the same thing. I don't like the scratching either, and sometimes she pulls at my lips really hard, but still....

Like you wrote, she's just checking to make sure I'm still there. In the next few months once she has started walking, there will come a day when she walks away from me as opposed to me. Get ready for the waterworks.

This is why people have more than one: the chance to recapture baby-love (if only for a brief time). I think it's time for Craig to get the snip-snip.

Unknown 6:48 PM  

Happy Motherhood! These moments are precious and they are yours to keep forever...

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