Monday, March 03, 2008

We have the flu we feel like poo

Wednesday night I called Andy in Orlando and said pray for me I think I have the flu. He told me to go to bed and hopefully it would pass. I had a sore throat and just felt a little off. Well after waking up every 1.5 - 2 hours all night starting around 9 PM due to a whining dog that needed to go out let me tell you I didn't just feel off I felt horrible! I got up the next morning sent a note saying I wasn't coming in, somehow got Mur to daycare and then went back home to pass out. Well Deucey wasn't having any of this - she wanted to go to the bathroom. Finally the dog walker picked her up and I got some sleep. Then I began to think if a person has to go the bathroom that much that is a UTI correct?! Oh god!!!!! Call the vet - they can get me in that night at 6:40 which seems like so far away at this point. Go back to sleep, wake up to pick Mur up, go home, get Deucey, put her in the car go to the vet (without the urine sample because I just couldn't get down the stairs fast enough to get it) and we are there for an exam. We walk out with antibiotics and pain killers for her and I have to produce a urine sample by tomorrow.

So we go home. I put everyone to bed, washed some bottles, gave Deucey her meds, and actually debated taking some of her pain meds because I thought they might work better than the Motrin I was taking on the pain in my joints - I don't of course because that would be cruel to Deucey and kind of weird on my part. So we all go to bed, with less wake ups compared to the previous night, though I was out there around 3AM in my bathrobe trying to collect a pee sample. It was hard though - I can barely get out of bed because I am in so much pain and she is running as fast as she can to get outside so I am collecting drops at a time for the vet.

Friday, drop Mur off, drop the urine off at the vet - they said that they didn't think it was enough - I said it took me three shots just to get that so hopefully it was because I had already started her on the antibiotics - it seemed cruel to wait just because they needed a good sample that I was unable to produce. Back home, more sleep. Me to the doctor - gets some antibiotics and some stuff for my eye - yes I have pink eye as well! More sleep, pick up Mur, wait expectantly for Andy to get home.

Andy has the flu and pink eye as well. So his last message of I am almost home there is a light at the end of the tunnel really never happened. So we survived the weekend, Mur doesn't seem sick, except for a running nose and maybe pink eye, and Deucey is much better.

And on top of that my Mom was supposed to come this past weekend but moved her visit. I don't know that I would want to walk into a house with the thought that I could walk out with the flu and pink eye. Plus she was feeling a litttle off herself and didn't really want to travel if she was about to get the flu. She is coming for a visit it three weekends though which will be really nice - Andy is going to be in England that weekend for a boys weekend so it will be us and the two troops. And next week we will be in FL visiting the other set of grandparents. A little sun to help burn this flu off!

I have his 6-month video but it will have to wait - at this point I don't even know what I taped because I was in such a fog. Going back to work tomorrow. Hopefully that is a good decision. Hope you all are well.


Unknown 12:49 PM  

I'm so sorry I can't be closer to come and help you all! What a week/week-end - hope you are feeling better soon. At least Deucey isn't waking you so often any more and Mur is okay.
Hopefully you don't have to cancel your trip - the warmth and sunshine of FL and the freedom of the beach might be just what you need.

Ellen 3:32 AM  

Awful. Flu and pink must have felt like a walking contagion.

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