Monday, March 31, 2008

Swim Lessons!

Mur and I went to swim lessons yesterday for the first time. I guess at this age lessons really isn't the right word. We went at 10 AM on Sunday which seemed like a good time - early enough so your whole day isn't ruined and late enough that you don't have to set your alarm to get out of the house. He did great - he didn't scream when he was in the water and the water was pretty warm which is really the only things I can think of that could have gone wrong. I sang some songs and he chewed on a toy and that was about it. His face got in the water a little bit one time and he coughed a little bit - but he seemed fine after about 30 seconds. Andy was taking care of Deucey so we don't have any pictures. Hopefully one weekend we can go and take some pictures so that you can see him in his cute surfer shorts.


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