Thursday, August 27, 2009

No alarm needed

Thayer had her one month appointment yesterday and I was given very good news - not only is she healthy but she is big enough that I can let her sleep at night! Which means no more alarms in the middle of the night reminding me to wake her up.

For the first two weeks I fed her every 2.5 - 3 hours. At her two week appointment the doctor said that I could let her go a little longer at night but that she shouldn't sleep more than 5 hours. So I set my alarm for 4.5 hours. And now she is allowed to sleep as much as she wants at night. That is not to say that she sleep through the night but she slept about 5 hours and then 4 hours which meant only one wake up for me in the middle of the night which was so nice!

I feel like it was about 3 months before the doctor said to let Murdoch go but I am sure it was about the same time period but it just seemed like a really long time. This first month with her has flown by. She has been such a good baby and I am really enjoying my leave. If I don't get anything done one day then that is fine - it was hard to accept that with Murdoch but now it feels pretty normal.


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