Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Anyone want a screaming baby at 3:45 AM?

I DO! Murdoch woke up on Tuesday morning at 3:45 AM screaming - both the early wake up and the screaming was not normal for him. It turns out he had a small fever which is probably because of teething. 3:45 AM is not exactly my favorite time of the morning but I got to go in and rock my baby back to sleep which never happens anymore. These days he is a little wiggle worm that doesn't want to be held so he goes to bed wide awake sitting up with no rocking from me. Though this is great because he is learning to put himself to bed it is also another thing I am losing as he grows up. So though I don't want to be up at that hour I just reminded myself how nice it was to hold him and rock him back to sleep.

I thought these pictures were cute - he kept crawling toward the camera while I was trying to take these. You can also see on his right eye - a small yellow mark - that is as close as we have gotten to a black eye so far - a little bum from the chair and he didn't even cry! Sometimes he is a tough kid. In the past week he has stood up from a squatting position by himself, crawled down the stairs, and taken 2 steps before falling down. I think we are in big trouble!


Unknown 8:28 AM  

He is getting closer and closer. Get that video ready! We're looking forward to seeing the video and the person soon...

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