Friday, November 07, 2008

A Murdoch Memory

So this memory is a little gross but it made me laugh when my sister wrote me the following email yesterday:

I have been meaning to tell you.
Remember how when I came to visit last christmas murdoch's poop smelled like buttered pop corn. Well, my feet and the stink in them and in my shoes has changed from the normal foot funk to the smell of buttered pop corn.
I think of murdoch's pop everytime i take my shoes off.

Before solid foods Murdoch's poop did indeed smell like buttered popcorn. I had totally forgotten about that until that email.

She then followed up that email with the following:

and you should put in the blog that when i was there, before you told me from where the smell was coming, i kept wondering why the people down stairs were eating so much buttered popcorn.

Aunt Emily is coming for a visit a little before Christmas and we can't wait to see her! She is taking one of her two vacations - she only gets two breaks while going to school - to come and spend it with her nephew and she takes care of him all day. It is so nice for everyone! Though I am sure a little exhausting for someone who has just finished a set of finals. I am really looking forward to that visit!


Ellen 3:53 AM  

This made me laugh out loud. I love it. If only it smelled like buttered p-corn when they are eating solid foods. I hate changing a diaper that has, what seems to be, adult poop!

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