Monday, November 03, 2008

The Weekend

So obviously I have no new pictures or videos to post - I have them but I need them to magically appear on my laptop - without wires! Maybe the technology is already out there but I don't have it yet - I need these things to go right onto my laptop after I take them and then the blog would be much more up to date. Maybe before bed tonight I will try to get a little more organized in the blog area.

The weekend was good but busy. We had our Halloween party on Saturday - we moved the start time up in order to incorporate children this year which was good though at 8 I felt like it should have been midnight. So between getting ready for the party, the party, clean up after the party, daylight savings (who decide that this was a good idea - it is depressing that it is so late and the extra hour of sleep is a joke - Murdoch has no idea that the time has changed so we were just up earlier, or the same time depending on how you look at it)

I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween! We did thought we celebrated a day late. Videos and pictures soon!


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