Thursday, November 20, 2008

Therapy via Dogs and Kids

My company had layoffs yesterday. I was not laid off but one of the guys on my team was and that caused an emotional day for me. I didn't know about it in advance, I only knew about it once it was done. I feel horrible for that person and I feel horrible for the rest of my team - this is going to put a burden on everyone now that we are down one more person. By the end of the day I couldn't focus, I needed to eat, and I needed a drink. I got home and there was this gorgeous bulldog waiting for me in her crate tail wagging and ran all over the house and almost knocked me over when she got out. Then about 10 minutes later a little guy arrived at the house and when he saw me he broke out the big grin and walked right over to me to give me his version of a hug. It was a rough day at work and often times the two of them make a day very long and tiring but I have to say the tension that melted away when I saw the two of them was more than worth all of the lack of sleep, extra vet bills, etc. that they cause. They are a form of therapy, sanity, and love that I can't get anywhere else.


Ellen 5:31 AM  

That's really rough, Sarah. Did you know the layoffs were coming? I can't imagine how your team feels.

Some tlc from a dog and babe sounds like the best salve.

Unknown 2:09 PM  

They're giving back the love you give to them - and it's great.

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