Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Some of my favorite websites

I like to surf the web - I just don't have enough time to do it! I thought I would share a few of my favorite sites and if you have a favorite site please share it! - Diapers are expensive and bulky. The last thing I want to do is try to bring up those huge packages while carrying an infant/toddler on my hip. So thank god for! It is a great website. If you spend over $49 the shipping is free and it arrives on your doorstep two days later! I compared some of the prices and the Huggies diapers are the same price at CostCo as they are at They carry a lot more than diapers - formula, bottles, clothing, toys, etc. I basically do all of my shopping on there for Murdoch. You can get $10 off your first order if you use code SAPA5662. - This is an online book swap site. You list your books by ISBN and then other people make a request for those books. A label is automatically produced - you can just print it out, tape it to the envelope, and drop it in the mailbox - you don't even have to go to the post office! The other person pays the postage which is around $4 for all books and you get points for sending your books. You can then use your points to get books from other people and you just pay for the postage. I think the fact that you can just print out the label makes this so convenient so I love it! - Same concept as but you don't have the pre-paid envelopes. So you have to go to the post office which is another step but if you send it media mail it is usually about 2-2.50 per book so it is cheaper to send the book. - For wine! Do I need to say anymore?! - Helps you stop junk mail - including catalogues which is very important this time of year, and they plants tree when you join. I can't tell you how much less junk mail I get since I joined - especially all of those catalogues! It is overwhelming. You can pick and choose which ones you want so if you still want your PotteryBarn catalogue you can keep it!

I am sure there are others but those are some of my favorites. Enjoy!


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