Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Look Mom I'm crawling!

Hopefully you haven't had enough of the Murdoch videos. I obviously just got a whole bunch of these downloaded onto my computer over the weekend and I picked out my favorites. The crawling shots aren't great in this one but it makes me smile to see Murdoch and Deucey playing together. At first Deucey takes the toy away from Murdoch but then she brings it back and drops it in his lap. She is such a great dog! I know she is going to take some abuse as Murdoch gets older but I love seeing the two of them together. When Murdoch cries Deucey races into the room and sits next to him. She is always trying to steal his toys, which can be annoying at times, but how can she really tell the difference between her toy and one of his. And I have to say that I love bath time - while Murdoch is in the tub playing with his toys Deucey comes in and 'sits' on my lap. Too bad she doesn't race in with that much excitement for her own bath! Now that would be great! Another crawling video coming soon.


Unknown 7:26 PM  

He really wants to get up on his feet! Is it our laptop or the dropshot that isn't working very well? The video clip stops while the voice keeps on.
It's so hard to believe how much he's grown in just 6 weeks.

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