Thursday, March 05, 2009

Then and now

There are days when I think why can't I just go back to the way things were 5 years ago, 10 years, ago, etc. Yesterday was one of those days. I was looking through some old emails and I found from pictures from 2005. I was married, but I was in a different house, I didn't have a kid nor was I really thinking about it. I had this job but I had just started and I had just returned from a month-long vacation to Phoenix for wedding and then we traveling along to Fiji and Australia. I can't help but look at myself in those pictures and think god - I was having fun, I was happy!

I am happy now but it is different and after looking at those pictures I had a day where I just wanted that life back. I personally find the lack of vacation after having a kid very hard and right now when it is cold and dark out and there is snow on the ground a vacation for about 2 weeks somewhere warm with boat drinks I think would be my cure. But that isn't happening. So even though I am happy where I am right now - it is really hard not to look back on these pictures and that part of my life and think god I really wish I could have that back right now!

I could go on and on if I stayed on this subject - I am sure you all know what I mean. So here are the pictures:

Halloween 2005

Frye Island 2005 with Scott & Gary

Sarah's 30th Brithday


Ellen 6:33 AM  

In those moments when I love my kids so much I want to eat them, I think "this is worth it." But 70% of the time I'm just slogging through. No one told me before I had the girls that my life (as I knew it then) would be over, completely over. I know now that there was actually no way to comprehend the changes, they are so complete and life altering.

And then I look at Grace and Julia and I love them so much, beyond words, really. And I know that I wouldn't trade them, but I would like to go back, maybe for a week or so, every once in awhile.

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